vander on Thu, 28 May 1998 01:27:50 +0100 |
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Syndicate: lready be trealreadyten |
nous defendons depuis le lundi 25 mai 1998 - 61 rue d'avron 75020 Paris -tel:01 46 59 11 11 le droit à la liberté d'expression par l'occupation des ondes hertziennes sur le canal 36. OSF <ONDES SANS FRONTIERES> à ouvert sur paris une télévision publique soutenue par le mouvement social, des associations culturelles, des syndicats et last but not least une multitude d'électrons libres. L'abus de liberté d'expression est-il plus criminel que l'abus de biens sociaux? nous vous apellons à nous soutenir de toute urgence car il y va de nos libertés! Venez sur place à partir de 19heures tous les jours, envoyer courrier et e-mail à OSF. cuseeme: IP: ID: 9805 realaudio : pnm:// mail:[email protected] tel:0033 (01) 46 59 11 11 ---- We need help ! to women and men around the world who are engaged in the struggle for their elementary human rights: since monday May 25th 1998 in PARIS, at 61 rue d'Avron 75012 ( # 33 1 46 59 11 11) we are defending the right to liberty of expression (political and artistic) by occupying the hertzien broadcasting frequency on channel 36 (UHF). OSF has opened a free and independent television station supported by political, cultural and trade union organisations and last but not least some dedicated individuals who do not fit into the above categories. We have already been threatened with confiscation of our means of broadcast and legal (and possibly criminal) action in court by the french government. The exercice of the right to free expression is a road filled with many formalities to be respected. It seems to be easier and more evident for the government in France to prosecute those who do not respect these petty formalities than to prosecute those who have abused the confidence of their office as public service or mis-used public funds. We call for your urgent support to defend the principe of freedom of expression throughout the world! Plaese send messages of support : "Nous soutenons OSF et le droit d'expression libre sur les ondes hertziennes en France " cuseeme: IP: ID: 9805 realaudio : pnm:// mail:[email protected]