=cw4t7abs on Mon, 17 Aug 1998 18:36:55 -0600

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Re: Syndicate: funding scheme for small-scale projects



>International/translocal collaborations involving artists
>or organisations based in England are welcome to apply to this
>Mail me for more details and advice, and of course spread the word.
>Arts Council of England:  Visual Arts Department:
>Small Grants for New Media
>Small Grants for New Media is a special funding programme within the Media
>Publishing scheme run by the Visual Arts Department of the Arts Council of
>England.  The scheme is run by the Photography and New Media team in
>collaboration with Artists_ Film and Video and Architecture sections of the
>Visual Arts Department. This collaboration has come about in recognition of
>increasing cross-overs and convergences in practice across these areas.
>The fund aims to support small-scale art projects that experiment with and
>extend the possibilities of distributable or distributed forms of new
>electronic media.  The scheme is in its second year.  Details of the awards
>made in the first round of the scheme can be found on:
>Purpose of the Scheme
>Small Grants for New Media aims to encourage the production of original,
>innovative art works that have been made specifically for distributable
>forms of interactive media.
>The fund will support modest scale but experimental projects with relatively
>short production timescales, which have the potential to make a significant
>contribution to the development of the new media as new creative sites and
>The fund aims to support experimentation and innovation, but also to ensure
>that projects have the widest possible impact and visibility.  Therefore,
>marketing and distribution strategies should be a key part of any
>application, and these too should show an innovative approach and awareness
>of the characteristics of the new media and their audiences.
>Applications should come from small groups or partnerships within which
>there is some demonstrable ability and expertise in managing project
>promotion as well as production.

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>Projects could include but are by no means restricted to: artists_ web
>sites, virtual environments,  multi-user spaces, netcasting or other
>networked projects, small-scale interactive narratives, innovative
>interactive image/text works, artists_ games, software, screensavers.
> Distribution formats could include floppy disks, CD-ROMs, web-sites or
>other networked forms.
>Projects that comprise research and development towards a larger project may
>be considered if there is a finished and distributable outcome of the
>development stage, and if  there is a demonstrable opportunity for further
>funding.  Applications for _completion_ funding for the publication of a
>project already underway can also be considered.
>The scheme will *not* support projects that are primarily documentation or
>archiving of works made for other media.
>Projects should aim for completion by or before June 1999.
>Criteria for assessment


>Applications should demonstrate:


>*    A motivation to explore the new media as enabling new forms of artistic
>production and sites for communication, rather than being led primarily by
>technological experimentation.
>*    A critical understanding of the new media and a clear outline of the
>ways in which the proposal extends their potential. (Projects involving  a
>substantial amount of text are eligible if they meet this criteria).
>*     A strong and innovative promotion, marketing and distribution
>strategy, and a partner in the application overseeing this aspect, i.e.
>acting as the _publisher_.
>A sub-committee made up of members of the Visual Arts Department_s
>Publications Committee, Artists_ Film and Video committee and Architecture
>committee will assess applications.  Decisions will be made in November
>Finance and  Conditions
>Grant money should be spent directly on costs involved with the production
>and distribution of original media art works.  Items of expenditure may
>include: fees for artists and collaborators e.g. specialist programmers,
>musicians and designers, packaging, marketing, purchase of additional
>hardware or software to a maximum of _2000, distribution, marketing and
>promotion, ongoing technical support and facilitation for a specified
>Matching funding should be 15% or higher, and can include: sales, other
>grants and awards, sponsorship and  help-in-kind for example: donations or
>use of equipment, technical support, server space, free use of
>pressing/duplications facilities, donations of carriers e.g. floppy disks,
>You will be offered 90% of your grant on acceptance of a fomral offer and
>the remainder shortly after the completion of the project on receipt of a
>statement of income and expenditure and an evaluation report.  Should there
>be any change in content, outline, finance or schedule of the project, you
>must let us know in writing at once.
>You will be expected to include an acknowledgement of Arts Council funding
>on all distributable media and publicity.  Guidlines regarding this will be
>sent to all successful applicants.
>Please use the Photography and New Media application form available from the
>Visual Arts Department.  You may supply a separate budget itemised
>appropriately to your project.  Papers must be submitted looseleaf and
>unbound (ready to photocopied).  Please send a copy of your application to
>the relevant officer of your Regional Arts Board.
>Supporting Materials
>Supporting materials to your application may include slides, web sites,
>CD-ROM_s, floppy disks, video tapes, sketches of interactive structures
>and/or interfaces.  It is essential that you discuss your supporting
>materials with the Visual Arts Department officers named below who can
>advise you on what would be most appropriate.
>Maximum Award: 8000  UK pounds
>Grants will normally be in the range 3000 to 6000 UK pounds
>Planned Allocation: 45,000 UK pounds
>Deadline:  October 12 1998
>It is highly recommended that you discuss your project with Andrea Davidson,
>Lisa Haskel or Amanda King before you submit an application.  This will
>ensure that your application is eligible for the fund, is well budgeted, and
>that supporting materials are appropriate.
>For further details contact:
>Andrea Davidson
>Lisa Haskel
>Amanda King
>Visual Arts Department
>Arts Council of England
>14 Great Peter Street
>London  SW1P  3NQ
>Tel: 0171 973 6474
>Fax: 0171 973 6429
>[email protected]
>[email protected]
>[email protected]