Inke Arns on Mon, 25 Jan 1999 11:10:57 +0100

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Syndicate: (Fwd) infozone programm 25.1.99

Subject: BOUNCE syndicate: Non-member submission from ["<infozone> Jens
Gebhart" <[email protected]>]
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 22:04:24 +0200
From: "<infozone> Jens Gebhart" <[email protected]>
Subject: infozone programm 25.1.99 

_      ___
  (_)__  / _/__  ___ ___  ___  ___
 / / _ \/ _/ _ \/_ // _ \/ _ \/ -_)
/_/_//_/_/ \___//__/\___/_//_/\__/  présente <PANIC MANAGEMENT> 

=> PANIC MANAGEMENT simulation 1. à infozone (adresse ci-dessous)
>lun.25.1. >PM 1 + Marina Chabrol >installation sonore >20h
>mar.26.1.	>PM 1 + Elsa Mazeau / installation >20h
>mer.27.1. >PM 1 + Georges & Lichtig >installation >20h
>jeu.28.1. >PM 1 + Ludovic Burel >installation >10h à 20h
>ven.29.1. >PM 1 + Jordan Crandall / conférence >20h 
>sam.30.1. >PM 1 + Finale "la dernière soirée" >19h

Programme détaillé:

>lun.25.1. >Marina Chabrol >installation sonore >20h
..."*:>;/# (+)^^  &  %¨¨ ?!  !!! "... Attention:
Peut parfois provoquer une somnolence discrète et transitoire risquant
d'être dangereuse chez les conducteurs de véhicules et les utilisateurs
de certaines machines.

>mar.26.1.	>Elsa Mazeau >installation CV >20h
A l?aube ud XXI siecle, la question du travail est une notion que l?on
doit repenser :  ?pour une redistribution des emplois?, ?repenser les
activités humaines?tels sont des titres d?articles développés dans le
Monde Diplomatique. L?intensité des conflits et débats en cours met en
evidence que le travail, dans son acceptation courante, est de moins en
moins la valeur essentiel de la vie quotidienne. Pour bon nombre de
citoyens, il cesse d?être le lieu majeur de la réalisation de soi et des
liens sociaux. Reduire sa durée permettrait

 Aussi ces CV sont ceux de la prochaine génération.d?avoir des activités
autodéterminées, créant des espaces dont les normes de mode de vie plus
libres permettent aux individus de diversifier leurs relations et
d?autonomiser leurs actes. ?Le chômage grignote la vie active en ses
extrémités. On aborde celle-ci de plus en plus tard, et on la quitte de
plus en plus tôt, alors même que l?on reste jeune de plus en plus
longtemps.? Il faudrait donc une alternance de temps de travail, de
formation, de loisirs, de culture et d?activités diverses étalées tout
au long du cycle de vie.
Mais il reste important d?établir, pour une meilleure implication et
éfficacité du travailleur, un lien entre ces différentes activités. Il
en récultera une cohésion entre l?emploi et le travailleur et le
résultat sera plus authentique, plus sincère.

>mer.27.1. >Nadia Lichtig & Bertrand George >installation >20h
Bertrand Georges recouvre le sol d'infozone avec des bâtons 
cylindriques rouges, sortes de  bâtons de dynamite. On peut 
marcher dessus, à ses risques et périls. Nadia Lichtig se 
donne la liberté d'intervenir au dernier moment.

>jeu.28.1. >Ludovic Burel >10h. à 20h
Liquidation de matérieaux bureautiques et graphiques +
Distribution de tracts de 10h. à 20h. +
présentation de l'interface "langage machine" du site

>ven.29.1. >Jordan Crandall >CRITICAL NETWORK PRACTICE >conference >20h 
>From its beginning in 1990, Blast has set out to
explore contemporary texts and images and their
accompanying practices of reading, viewing, and
authoring. Blast has conducted these explorations in
terms of a publication, investigating the changing
procedures, systems, and positions of this medium as it
intertwines with emerging communications networks.
Situating itself at the interstices, it embraces content
that is both material and digital, online and offline,
recorded and live. It endeavors to make this content
partial and contingent, foregrounding the networks of
relations in which it is embedded. Displacing direct,
predetermined links between viewer and image, reader and
author, representation and object, it seeks to develop
potent complications that uncover and reflect alternate
relationships in the reading-viewing experience. 

As this formerly private space of reading and viewing
opens out into complex mixture of public and private
space, Blast abandons any conception of its role as a
publication and instead positions itself entirely within
the globalized sphere of communications. The spaces of
Blast are now the vast urban networks of
representations, technologies, and embodied agents that
codetermine each other in complex patterns and
modalities. Its space has therefore become politicized:
embroiled in various struggles, that which was the
"page" is now the site of enormous conflicts. The new
agenda for Blast is to articulate and embody the agents
and forms of this struggle, developing new formats,
strategies, procedures, and encounters. It seeks to
stage confrontations and open critical spaces, toward
the formulation of a progressive practice.

>sam.30.1. >Finale (>la derniere soirée d'infozone) >19h
19H00 Construx présente: Piet Mondrian vs. Jean Pierre Raynaud
20H00 Cédric Pigot & J.-L.Chapuis & Nathalie Kias: performance
21H00 Stephan Köperl: performance "Wu´s rescue"
23H00 Bar + Music

NETWORKINGTOURS is a project that bundles a multitude of heterogeneous 
positions, especially from the fields of subject-construction and 
alterations of society on the threashold of the next millennium to a 
complex system. With my videomobile I scout different places, for the 
present in Europe, niches of cultural production, localities and 
interrelations. NETWORKINGTOURS visits all kind of groups and events, 
exhibitions, concerts, lectures, videoproducers, theoricians, various 
people, the ?realities? of everyday life in different countries. The 
videos made during a tour and other pictures from the media are cut 
together - connections of the fundamentally different are constructed 
this way. The variety of formings guarantees the analogy to ?reality?.

To escape indifference, NETWORKINGTOURS focuses on the following items:
?cool women?, ?about future?, representation of minorities?, ?about 
love, love, love?, ?art remix?, ?collectives?, ?visited scenes?, 
?border-crossing?, new-construction of ?reality?, videoproduction 
and -distribution, ?connecting people?, models of participation and 
conversation. In the NETWORKINGTOURS´ archive videos from producers 
all over the world are collected. They can be shown at any time on 
the video-presentation-object ?people´s TV?, which is part of the 
videomobile´s equipment, also in public space

A journey to China can start by reading 
"Das Neue Chinesisch-Deutsche Wörterbuch"
(The new Chinese-German Dictionary). Bizarr example sentences turn this
 dictionary into poetry, which gives instructive insight into the way 
of Chinese thinking. It was a helpful source of information and 
inspiration during a four month stay in the province capital Kunming, 
South China. Here Sylvia Winkler and Stephan Köperl tried to make use 
of their new linguistic proficiency by artistic reactions to the 
circumstances. This reaction was dominated by the barely understandable 
destruction of large old town areas because of the constant preassure 
to modernize and by conspicious features in the remains of everyday 
life in a city that is changing fundamentally. Back home TV news about 
the Yang Tse floods were the basis for Stephan Köperl´s performance 
"Wu´s rescue"

20 rue des ecouffes
75004 paris 
metro: st.paul
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel. 33(0)148070599
Fax. 33(0)147035080
a temporary workspace for presentation
creation and discussion in paris / france