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Syndicate: Dmitry Pilikin: From Russia |
From: "Dmitry Pilikin" <[email protected]> Date: Mon, 5 Apr 99 18:30:25 +0400 Subject: From Russia Novi Sad - New Garden or New Sad? Seems most recently, at December 1998 we received a visit at Russia, in Petersburg our friends from Yugoslavia,which arrived to us within the framework of yugoslavian videoart festival "Balkan Answer". With Alexander and Branka I am introduce by in the Syndicate meeting "Deep Europe" in Kassel. Exactly there I for the first time has see a program yugoslavian video, which I am show much important to show in Russia. On press-conferences in St.Petersburg Alexander in detail told about political events in Yugoslavia, on appearances of folk against totalitarizm of Miloshevich. In films was seen that amongst posters and calls glimpsed (as signs of democracy) american badge and little flags... And here is now... I seem that russian folk before present-day events not too much thought on that, that occurs in Yugoslavia. Too much same problems or russian official TV -news too have get under the influence SNN, but on events in Iraq we knew much more exactly therefore, that this event was important for America... In this mode on news, which will be assign large news agency, Yugoslavia was on the by-play until has get under the american target. If analyze a politic, which at a last time has choose US government, possible value its as "democratic colonializm". The Big Brother teaches other world folk how to build a real democracy and with attention and care supervises to everywhere was an order. Certainly americans by its labor reach many, but why governments of develop, enlighten superpower country suddenly show such dullness? I seem that be two reasons: In first, USA this single large state, which influences to the world policy and herewith has no an own fundamental history and own fundamental religious idea. History of this state in world scales is too short. Americans always were proud of "pioneers" spirit, this is one of the main american idea. But today this experience and absence of histories transforms them in a losers. Problems of national identify, a realizing "small" and "greater" folks, problems of relation confessions, problems of a realizing a state and its folk impossible to decide "pioneer" resolute actions. History of England (Irishman's), Spain(Basques), Turkish (Curds), Russia (Caucasus) straight shows on this. In second, this certainly large geopolitical change, which have come of the disintegration "east" block. With the loss of this block (as we today have a bad thought on him ) America has lost an opponent. Be and one more ask, cynical remark, which voice russian analysts. Introduction EURO too changes accustomed for American financial world card. But Clinton already simply can not stop a war, as far as in vain expenses on it too much money of american taxpayers. Much difficult not to yield to emotions, which fall in all russians. Certainly in the root of all these emotions particular history attitude of Russia to Balkans. Russian-turkish wars in which russian soldiers died from the motherland far off, vow of russian Tsar always to protect brothers, First World War in which weaken by the revolution Russia has enter, to protect serbs... That NATO started war in Yugoslavia did not pay attention to history of particular position of Russia, is read as a reminder, who is today strong, and who weak. And immediately enter to emotions, which force to forget that Miloshevich and Yugoslavia is not the same, and NATO is not only USA... For Russia these emotions very dangerous. Today, NATO's bombs wake up Russian communists and nationalists. Folk of Yugoslavia is render by the hostage to situations. Today democratic transformations in this country are not possible. Yes, Miloshevich is a dictator. But how folk will go against its president, which at a moment of dangers protects a country? (And does this highly successfully). Political weight and popularity of Miloshevich must in this situations only rise. But thousand albanians run from Yugoslavia and mess to radio stations B-92 speaks us too much..... Now 70 percent of daily news in Russia are denote war in Yugoslavia. Basically this news sent russian agencies and from yugoslavian Tanug . No any news from SNN. Corresponders speak that yugoslavian government conducts a censorship the whole information. Moscow speak that NATO planes to conduct mid air already 200 hours and used 500 cruise missiles, which general power is two Hiroshima. All russian political news pass on the background vote of distrust to president Eltzhin , which is declare by the parliament on 15 Aprils. In this connection the many policy play their own political cards. Democrats and serious policies require stop bombing and solve a problem by means of the negotiations. Communists require immediately send military forces and will begin a writing the volunteers. But General Lebed (here is probably powerfully scares a west as a possible president of Russia) offers urgently to put (deliver) in Yugoslavia most up to date russian complexes anti- air force (S-30). 6 Aprils in the Adriatic Sea will stay 6 russian warships. Analysts speak of the serious danger new "cool" war. At Friday consulates USA and Shengen States have declare closing an issue of visas to the people of Russia. Belorussian President Lukashenko offers to take Yugoslavia in the war alliance of Commonwealth of Independent States. But while Russia too economic depends on the west, so is it here observe same duality on which speaks in its letter Luchezar. For me personally journey on Balkans in the September of this year ( it was my first trip to Sofia and Skopje), meeting with the people, their attitude to me as to the russian person was an important private experience. So that presently occurs on Balkans I perceive as a tragedy, which has come of my close relatives. I much wants to hope that this feeble war will be stop and I will once again be able to see my friends. And idea of russian artistic project in Novi Sad, which we discussed with Alexander, will take place . And I will manage to see this beautiful city Novi Sad- how spoke Alexander- Balkan Athens. P.S. I am want the whole good my friends in Makedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, which too already have fall into borders of conflict. For health Alexander, Branka, Balint, Dragana, Janko light a candle in Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. Dimitry Pilikin Dmitry Pilikin [email protected] ------Syndicate mailinglist-------------------- information: mail archive: to unsubscribe send a message to <[email protected]> with the message in the body: unsubscribe [email protected]