Andreas Broeckmann on Fri, 21 May 1999 16:02:39 +0100 |
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Syndicate: New Media Art Projects from Prag |
>Pierluigi di Todaro >Director >[email protected] >Art makes the world go circular >Ruska ul. 84, 101 00 Praha 10, Vrsovice >Czech Republic 0042 Praha 02 Telephon 73 93 24 >E - mail : [email protected] >____________________________________________ >[email protected] ProclAim >[email protected] is an Arts Organization, no-profit, Aim to lead the way in encouraging local artist to show their works in a >multitude of venues around Prague and CR. >[email protected] produce events,exhibithions,retrospective, > shown, stage and performance. >[email protected] promote in helping artists living and working in Praha and Czech Republic, who perform and exhibit their artpieces. >[email protected] assist all the Artists in exhibiting their work >with Multimedia and Comunications. >[email protected] welcomes all Artists. >[email protected] search actively for artists in the hopes to make >possible to everyone interested, to show others, how they see >the world. >[email protected] hopes you enjoy our vision. >Subject : >Singol & Collective Exhibithions >Patrocinio : >TELENOR & TERMINAL BAR Foundation >Foreigner Embassy in Praha >Foreigner Instutute of Culture in Praha >Czech Ministery of Culture >Places : >* Foreigner Instutute of Culture in Praha * Foregneir Ambassy in Praha * Terminal Bar * Galleries * Others >Multimedia Comunication : >Poster and invitation (presentation of Collective & Singol Exhibition) >Postcard from Boomerang (presentation of each artist)* Internet >Exhibition (Singol & Collective Exhibition organize by [email protected]) * CD Rom * CD Rom (possibility for each Artist to have their own CDRom) * Video Art Instalation (Video-Exhibition of Fiilmakers) * Performance (any type of Art in any events) * Stage (with professional Staff)* Workshops (photography -design-video -grafic -computer -painting) >Advertising : >Press-Conference with the Presentation [email protected] Programme. >One programme monthly at RADIO 1 about [email protected] Exhibitions. >One or two pages at the monthly Magazine Umelec & Details-Think. >Weekly Information of [email protected] at the ExitDownton. >Locandina at the TERMINAL BAR about the activity of [email protected]. >Full Information about [email protected] at the WebSite >[email protected]. Realese of a Booklet about [email protected] attivity and [email protected] Members. >WebSite : - [email protected] : >The Artwork of each Artist, with photo-materials, name, CV, contact >address, it will be held in a WEBSITE call [email protected] >>Membership : >All Members of [email protected] recieve a annual Membership Card that >will provvide free-access to various Venues, Gallery, etc. and special >discount to Internet Site, at the Terminal Bar, Praha >>Ideas : >* Any ideas are welcome from all the Circle@rt Members * Card >Membership, nominative, realease from Circle@rt * [email protected] >Foundation, for any donation, sponsors or supporters >* 10/15 piecies for each artist, to be presented at each exhibithion >and at the WEBSITE - [email protected] * One week exhibithion in >each places for each artist * One Vernissage in each places for each >artist * Cover expences for printing, enlarging and fraiming >* Set WEBsite from [email protected] where all the artist will be guest >Mediýlni reklama * Advertising for all the exhibithion (Press - Media - Booklet) * Possibility of selling piecis of each artist >* Possibility of Marketing the ArtWork of each artist * Realease of a >booklet from [email protected] * Press-Conference (Presentation of >[email protected]) >Future Thema 1999 : >[email protected] PRESENTATION 15.3.1999 >* Opening Web-Site & Press Conference >Eyes in the Darkness * 2.1999 - 3.1999 * Collective Exhibithion >2000 Mostu- 2000 Bridges * 15.6.1999 - Project Praha-Sarajevo-Mostar >Circle@rt Masterpieces -1.10.1999 >* Collective Exibithion of [email protected] Members >Presentation : >15.3.1999 * Press-Conference at TERMINAL BAR- Presentation >[email protected] >15.3.1999 * Opening of the WEBSITE [email protected] >20.3.1999 * Internet Exhibition - TERMINAL BAR >22-28.3.1999 * Exhibition at French Institute of Culture >29.3- 4.4.1999 * Italian Institute of Culture >Places : >1- Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Praha >2- French Instutute of Culture - Praha >3- American Institute of Culture - Praha >4- TERMINAL BAR - Internet Cafe - Praha >Curriculum Vitae : >One full written page about of yourself of where you were born, general school, experience, future projects, what tipe of work you like, what type of work you did. Make sure you have a contakt address, tel., E-mail, etc. >>Text : >The english version will be edit in proper english and then one version will be translate in czech. >Your work: >(10-15 piecis) must be printed in paper photos, in good quality, >minimun size 10 x 15, ready to be scan and ready to be print in a >booklet. >>Price: >Prepare also a price for each of your piecies. >Material: >Keep ready also the negative ready to be enlarg or print. >Thema: >Prepare also 4-10 lines of a page, to express your personal view about the Thema of the Exhibithion. >WebSite : - [email protected] : >The Artwork of each Artist, with photo-materials, name, CV, contact >address, it will be held in a WEBSITE call [email protected] >Conditions: >Each artists will support their membership with a sum of 500.- Kc to >being given at the end of each exhibithion, (Internet also) to cover >expenses. >To YOUR the Attention - Dear Sir - We would like to inform you about the new project born and developed in Praha : the Art Organization call [email protected]. The basic idea of this Organization, is to create an Association of Artists, living and working in CZ, providing them the possibility to perform their arts, with social and cultural subject. Our Aim is well design in Our [email protected] ìProclAimî organize & develop a structure easy to send and easy to recieve. Our goal is to have 100 members (almost certain) and to create with them a powerful tools for >any future events. The creation of [email protected], has already being >accepted as a great idea, from all of the people being contact. Easy >access to everyone (Cz and foreigner) and possibility of using new tools avaible with Internet, in Praha. Our base it will be actually be at the TERMINAL BAR in Praha, where 100 peoples will be show their artwork at the INTERNET Exhibition. Promote the use of E-mail and surfing in the Net & performing Internet Exhibition in a worldwide range. Our need is to create an infrastucture, to perform via NET, the WebSite for [email protected], to be guest at the Site. We would like to offer to you this great idea and make it as a part of the art production, present here in Praha. [email protected] has already perform organization, in the year 1998, with 4 differents Exhibition & Vernissage around Praha, involving more than 2,500 peoples. Future projects for this year are again 4, with a collective exhibition next months (MarchÃ99) of 5 artists from 5 differents country, to be held at the differents Institute of Culture here in Praha (Italian, French, Spanish, American and Czech). We expect to get involve, trough the Net (worldwide) and the actual exhibition, around 10.000 peoples per months. We are planning also to perform Our Artwork, at the Pavarotti Center in Mostar, during a program trip, this following summer. We are also planning great events for the year 2000, when Praha is going to be the Cultural Capitol of Europe. We are not lacking of ideas, but the ideas of Free-Membership for every member, must be cover the expensive to run such Association. >[email protected] will held meeting at the TERMINAL BAR everymonths; - >will perform exhibition in many Venues; - will perform Internet >Exhibition ; - will hold art competion; - will advertising their work >through the Net or any other tools avaible in the Market (Radio Program, Press Realease, Posters, Locandine, postcards, games and exhibition around Praha). [email protected] Association will have their own Membership Card Association to being use as discount in special hours at the INTERNET or as free-entrance to events. In programme, next months (15.3.1999) We will held a Press-Conference to present [email protected] and Our projects for the year 1999. We would like to recieve Your answer, before that date. The possibilities are immense, but realistic, we understand that to make possible this idea, we need your support and understanding, to cover as much as you can, with found or holding, without expense to [email protected], the WebSite of ([email protected]) at Site. We would like to inform you also about the budget for this year, for program and the actual organization of [email protected]. We would like to offer this idea to others possible sponsor, interest in ART, to cover other expenses. We start from scracth and We would like to make this idea possible in any way, with the respect for thoese that care about others ideas, and to make possible to them , to be part of Our AIM. We would be please if You can give a possible answer to Our ideas. Thanking you for this interest, hoping to hear from You ASAP. For more information, please contact us at the above address. For now, We send you Our best regard from [email protected] >Pierluigi di Todaro >Director >[email protected] > >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at > ------Syndicate mailinglist-------------------- Syndicate network for media culture and media art information and archive: to unsubscribe, write to <[email protected]> in the body of the msg: unsubscribe [email protected]