Andreas Broeckmann on Wed, 26 May 1999 08:09:26 +0100

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Syndicate: Summer academy: Theatre and New Media, Hellerau/ Dresden

Summer academy: Theatre and New Media

Theme 1999: interaction and reality

                          19. June - 11. July 1999
                            in Hellerau/ Dresden

Workshop in perfomative and electronically-generated digital communication

                         students and professionals,
directors, choreographers, actors, dramatic advisers, media artists as well
                    as performance and media theoreticans

    Concept: Dr. Martina Leeker/transARTES and Detlev Schneider /Europäische
                                              Werkstatt für Kunst und Kultur

         supported by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Bonn

 Europäische Werkstatt für Kunst und Kultur
 Hellerau e.V.
 Detlev Schneider
 Karl-Liebknechtstr. 56
 01109 Dresden
 tel: 0499/ 351/ 8807798; fax: -97
                                                Organisation office:
                                                Dr. Martina Leeker
                                                Goebenstr. 8
                                                10783 Berlin
                                                tel./fax.: 0499/ 30/
Cooperation with:Kulturstiftung Dresden der Dresdner Bank,Siemens Dresden,
Medienwerkstatt Dresden, Schweizer Kulturstiftung Pro Helvetia


The first summer academy for theatre and new media at the Festspielhaus
Hellerau in Dresden takes place from June 19. to July 11. The theme of this
summer academy is interaction and reality. Organizers are the Europäische
Werkstatt für Kunst und Kultur Hellerau and transARTES of the cultural
travelroute Les Arts Vivants et l´identité europ*enne of the European
Commity Strassbourg. The summer academy is financed by the Bundesministerium
für Bildung und Forschung.

The assignment of the summer academy is the education of students and
professional: theatre directors, choreographers, actors, dramaturgs, media
artists, as well as theatre- and media scientists in the usage of theatrical
and electronic-digital techniques of communication.

The summer academy opens in the night of june 19./20. with "Aether - Trommeln
- Europa", a theatric-digital voyage by Penelope Wehrli. A symposium of
international theatre- and media scientists (20. - 22. 6. 1999) sees its
task in reconstructing interactive forms of theatre in the 20. century and
comparing these to the electronic-digital media of today and exploring
possible junctions between theatre and new media. In artistic-practical
workshops, lasting a fortnight each ( 24. 6. - 11. 7.), theatre- and media
artist will work together on "digital performances". Interactive interfaces
are at the center of each workshops, challenging the interaction of
traditional theatre, as its strict separation between actors and audience is
cancelled. The summer academy also offers two special workshops (4.-11.7.
1999) focusing on interactive videoinstallation and performance. The summer
academy ends with work-in-progress demonstrations showing the results of the
workshops and a final symposium (11. 7. 1999) featuring discussions on the
connection of theatre an digital media, giving special attention to the
artistic education with representatives of acting- and mediaschools.

Application for the participation in the summer academy

A limited number of students, directors, choerographers, actors of all
genres, dramaturgs, media artists, as well as theatre- and media scientists
can participate in the workshops (10 - max. 15 participants each workshop).

Write application with declaration of a workshop to the Festpielhaus
Hellerau. The announcement is valid with remiitance of half of the charge.
The cost for the participation in the academy amounts to DM 1.500 or DM 900
for students and includes housing and catering.

Hellerau e.V.
Ktonr.: 410613 100
BLZ: 85080000
at: Dresdner Bank Dresden

All announcement must arrive by 10.6.1999.

The special workshops for experienced theatreartists require the same mode
of application. The expenses for these workshops amount to DM 700 (DM 500
for students) and do not include housing or catering, nor the right to
participate in the summer academy.

The price for participation in the symposium that is held from 19. - 22. 6
only, is DM 150 (DM 70 for students) and does not include housing or
catering. The price for participation in the symposium that is held from 19.
- 22. 6 only, is DM 150 (DM 70 for students) and does not include housing or

Send applications for the participation in the summer academy, the special
workshops as well as the symposium to:

Europaeische Werkstatt fuer Kunst und Kultur Hellerau e.V.
Ricarda Huesgen
Karl-Liebknechtstr. 56
01109 Dresden
tel.: 0449/ 351/ 880 77 96 (mo thru thur: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.)

        Workshop I               Workshop II             Workshop III
 Between sensation and     Situative and media -   Human - machines -
 signification             presence                improvisations
 Instructors:              Instructors:            ? Daniel Aschwanden/
 ? Christoph Falke/        ? Ruth Geiersberger/    choreografy
 direction                 performance             ? Claudia Bosse/
 ? Birgit Kempker/ author  ? David Rokeby/         direction
 and radio plays           digitale soundsystems   ? N.N. / media artist
 ? Horst Prehn/            ? Walter Siegfried/
 neurophysically based     situative art
 interactive installations

                                Workshop IV
 ? Peter Meining, Harriet Böge/ direction
 ? Jo Fabian/ direction
Special Workshop 1                       Special Workshop 2

Anna Saup: Interaktive videoinstallation Karen Kipphoff: Interaction with
/ dramaturgy of video-cutting and techniques of supervision


For more information, please visit our homepage:

copyright: Europäische Werkstatt für Kunst und Kultur Hellerau/ transARTES
                            Texts: Martina Leeker
                          Translation: Diana Weiss
                                Webpages, concept and design: Irina Kaldrack

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