Micz Flor on Tue, 15 Jun 1999 17:23:11 +0200

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Syndicate: Period After Mailinglis

# Invite to join the Period After Mailinglist
# Einladung zur Period After Mailingliste
# Poziv za ukljucivanje na mailning listu "Period Posle"


Public Netbase t0, Vienna has launched the Mailinglist
[email protected], accompanying the web based project Period After.
The list will be dealing with diverse topics regarding the period after the
Kosovo conflict. We encourage open, non moderated discussion, collect
opinions and funnel suggestions for the future development in South Eastern

Period After includes various topics: political, economical, sociological,
psychological, cultural and above all, possibilities for the integration in
a wider view on Europe.

The Period After website is currently under re-construction and will be
opening soon at:

Selected Mails will appear at this location.

send a message to: [email protected] with the message-body: 
subscribe periodafter-list 

please send an email to [email protected] with the message-body:
unsubscribe periodafter-list 'your email address'


Einladung zur Period After Mailingliste

Public Netbase t0, Wien hat eine Mailingliste zum Projekt Period After
eroeffnet. Die Liste beschaeftigt sich mit der Zeit nach - der 'period
after' - dem Kosovo Konflikt. Wir unterstuetzen offene und diverse
Ausserungen, sammeln Meinungen und leiten Vorschlaege weiter, die sich mit
der zukuenftigen Entwicklung in Sued-Ost Europa beschaeftigen.

Period After behandelt politische, oekonomische, soziologische,
psychologische, kulturelle Themen und darueberhinaus Ansaetze fuer eine
Integration in einen weitgefassten Europa Begriff.

Die Period After Netzseite befindet sich derzeit im Umbau und wird bald
einzusehen sein unter:

Ausgewaehlte Mails werden dort erscheinen.

Senden Sie ein message an: [email protected] with dem Inhalt: 
subscribe periodafter-list 

Senden Sie ein message an: [email protected] with dem Inhalt: 
unsubscribe periodafter-list 'your email address'


Poziv za ukljucivanje na mailning listu "Period Posle"

Public Netbase t0, iz Beca, pokrece mailing listu
[email protected], koja ce pratiti web sajt "Period Posle". Mailing
lista ce se baviti razlicitim temama u vezi sa periodom posle sukoba na
Kosovu. Zastupamo ideju otvorene, necenzurisane diskusije u cilju
skupljanja misljenja i predloga u vezi sa buducim razvojem Jugozapadne Evrope.

"Period Posle" treba da pokrije razlicite teme: politicke, ekonomske,
socioloske, psiholoske, i kulturne, ali pre svega, da se bavi pitanjima i
mogucnostima integracije regiona u sire evropske okvire.

Web Sajt "Period Posle" je trenutno u fazi izgradnje i bice uskoro
postavljen "on line" na adresi: 

Izbor pisama sa mailing liste pojavice se na gore oznacenoj web adresi.

Ukljucivanje na listu:
molimo posaljite email poruku na: [email protected] sa tekstom u telu
subscribe periodafter-list 

Skidanje sa mailing liste:
Molimo posaljite email poruku na : [email protected] sa telom poruke:
unsubscribe periodafter-list 'your email address'


Micz Flor [Content Development - [email protected]]

  c/o Public Netbase t0 / Museumsquartier / 1070 Wien / Austria
  t: +43.1.522 1834 / f: +43.1.522 5058
  AM 1476 daily, 8pm CET in english, serbian, albanian, german

------Syndicate mailinglist--------------------
 Syndicate network for media culture and media art
 information and archive: http://www.v2.nl/syndicate
 to unsubscribe, write to <[email protected]>
 in the body of the msg: unsubscribe [email protected]