Adele Eisenstein on Tue, 29 Jun 1999 00:51:59 +0200 (METDST)

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RHIZOME_RAW: Perspective exhibtion and event series opening 29 June 1999 in Budapes

The Mucsarnok (Kunsthalle Budapest) and the 
Soros Foundation Hungary C3: Center for Culture & Communication
have the pleasure to invite you to the opening of the exhibition and event
series entitled

exhibition  symposium  screenings

at the Mucsarnok (Kunsthalle Budapest)
on 29 June 1999

18:00  The exhibition is opened by Dr. Erno Marosi, Member of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, Director of the Research Institute of Art History
20:00  21:00  The opening project of ENCART (European Network of Cyber Art),
high bandwidth (ATM) connection between European media centres
        20:00  CAVE, project of Peter Kogler - presentation from the Ars
Electronica Center, Linz (sound: Franz Pomassl)
20:30 Masaki Fujihata: Nuzzle Afar: Distant Affairs and Greetings -
presentation from the Mucsarnok (Kunsthalle Budapest)

The exhibition is open for viewing until 22 August 1999, daily from 10:00 
18:00, except Mondays
Budapest XIV., Mucsarnok (Kunsthalle Budapest), Hosök tere

Curators of the exhibition:
László Beke and Miklós Peternak
Assisted by:
Adele Eisenstein and Zsuzsa Megyesi
withweb development by:
Szilvia Seres

exhibition  symposium  screenings

The far-reaching consequence of the Renaissance discovery of linear perspective
is a new image. Perspective creates a clear proportion between the external
world (visual world) and the spectator/painter. Leon Battista Alberti's
window-analogy describes a real situation, and this revolutionary change
signifies a coherent world view. 
The event series, including the exhibition, explores and presents this
half-millennium-long process, placing the subject of historical facts and
actuality into the force field of the present.

Special Programmes  Lectures, Presentations and Screenings
in the Mucsarnok throughout the exhibition

30 June  Werner Nekes: Media Magia
Screening and discussion with Werner Nekes (László Beke, moderator)
12 July  Martin Kemp / Antonio Criminisi (Oxford University)
Lecture and presentation
7 August  John Wyver
Presentation of Illuminations Television (London)

Scientific Symposium in the Mucsarnok (Kunsthalle Budapest)
1-3 July 1999, 10:00  18:00

Symposium opening: expanded lecture and sound performance
1 July 1999, 18.00
Anthony MOORE - Dietmar KAMPER - Siegfried ZIELINSKI: Trialogue: Interval Trace

2 July 1999
Mucsarnok 10.00 - 18.00 
Moderator: László BEKE 

10.00 - 11.30. 
Béla BACS�: �rzékelés és perspektíva / Perception and Perspective
Péter P�R: Rilke és a perspektíva / Rilke and Perspective
Zsófia BEKE: A kép tere és a tér képe az Olasz Aeropitturaban / The Space of
the Picture and the Picture of the Space in the Italian Aeropittura

12.00 - 13.30 
Gábor HAJN�CZY: Leon Battista Alberti és a XV. századi perspektíva kérdései /
Leon Battista Alberti and Questions of Perspective in the 15th Century
Dénes GULY�S: Piero della Francesca, a reneszánsz vonalperspektíva atyja /
Piero della Francesca, the Father of Renaissance Linear Perspective
János MEGYIK: A pont által / By the Dot 

15.00 - 16. 30 
Pietro ROCCASECCA: Pisanello, Alberti and 'costruzione legittima' 
Sorin DUMITRESCU: Le Seuil / Kuszob / The Treshold

16.45 - 17.45 
Erno MAROSI: Pilaster 
Zbigniew RYBCZYNSKI: The Principles of Linear Perspective: Beliefs Based on
Ignorance and Blindness

18.00 Artist Talk (in the Gallery)
Bill SEAMAN - Gideon MAY: "The World Generator / The Engine of Desire"

3 July 1999
Mucsarnok 10.00 - 18.00 
Moderator: Miklós PETERN�K

10.00 - 11.30 
József KOLL�R: Polüphémosz szeme. (A mesterséges perspektíváról) / The Eye of
Polyphemos (On Artificial Perspective)
Mihály SZOBOSZLAI: Szerkesztett latvany. A perspektiva hasznalata az epiteszeti
tervezes soran, kulonos tekintettel uj technologiak (CAD/CAAD) alkalmazasara. /
Constructed Vision: The Application of Perspective in Architectural Planning,
with Special Consideration of the Employment of New Technologies (CAD/CAAD)
�kos MORAV�NSZKY: Az axonometria, mint a perspektíva kritikája (az
építészetben) / Axonometry as Critic of Perspective (in Architecture)

12.00 - 13.30 
András WILHEIM: A zene és perspektíva / Music and Perspective
Marcel BACIC: Die Geburt der Perspektive aus dem Geiste der Musik / The Birth
of Perspective in the Spirit of Music
Marisa DALAI EMILIANI: ?Noi metteremo lo spettatore al centro del quadro?:
reinterpretando lo spazio futurista di Umberto Boccioni / ?We place the
spectator in the centre of the picture?: Reinterpreting the Futurist Space of
Umberto Boccioni

Timothy DRUCKREY Opening the Third Window, or 'We gotta get outa dis space' 
Friedrich KITTLER: Buch und Perspektive / Book and Perspective
Ivan Ladislav GALETA: PiRaMidas

16.45 - 17.45 
Otto E. RÃ?SSLER: c,hAnge L: If We Could Change c and h, We Could Change the
Past and the Future like Angels 
Peter WEIBEL: Zur Perspektive als konstruktivem Prinzip / On Perspective as a
Constructive Principle

18.00 Artist Talk (in the Gallery)
Zoltán SZEGEDY-MASZ�K - Márton FERNEZELYI: Promenade (VRML presentation)

Screening Series in the Mucsarnok and in the �rökmozgó, the Film Museum
of the Hungarian Film Institute, throughout the duration of the exhibition

Opening screening: �rökmozgó 
4 July 1999, 18:30
The works of Zbigniew Rybczynski
followed by a discussion with Zbigniew Rybczynski

presenting the works of: Gábor Bódy, Patrick Bokanowski, Luis Buñuel, René
Clair, Jean Cocteau, Gábor Császári / Jno Cook, Ivan Ladislav Galeta, Peter
Greenaway, Fritz Lang, David Larcher, Fernand Leger, Werner Nekes, Ozu,
Brothers Quay, Alain Resnais, Walter Ruttmann, Zbigniew Rybczynski, Jacques
Tatí, Dziga Vertov, Tamás Waliczky, Peter Weibel, Orson Welles

International Media Art and Media History Exhibition 

Gábor Bachman, Gábor Bakos, Balázs Beöthy, �va Bortnyik / Csaba Tubák, Preston
Scott Cohen, Philippe Comar, Magdolna Csutak, Jürg DaVaz, Sorin Dumitrescu, 
Zoltán �rmezei / János Rauschenberger, Masaki Fujihata, Alexander Gyenes, Folke
Hanfeld, Perry Hoberman, Patrick Hughes, JODI, György Jovánovics, András
Kapitány, Zsigmond Károly, Ilona Keserü, Péter Kiss, Szabolcs KsPál, Lars
Kleen, Frigyes Konig, Róbert Langh, Franti?ek Lesák, János Major, Dóra Maurer,
János Megyik, Imre Nagy, István Orosz, Giulio Paolini, Alexander Pilis,
Brothers Quay, Markus Raetz, Bill Seaman, Jeffrey Shaw, János Sugár, 
Nanaé Suzuki, Zoltán Szegedy-Maszák / Márton Fernezelyi, Gyula Várnai, Tamás
Waliczky, Gábor Zrínyifalvi

Multimedia CD and catalogue 
The historical overview primarily based upon the collection of the Library of
the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, the art collection of the Graphics and
Paintings Department of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest and the visual models
of the Archive of the Department of Architecture of the Budapest Technical
University, as well as on the Werner Nekes collection. 

Network Project linking four European media institutes (Ars Electronica Center 
Linz (A), ZKM  Karlsruhe (D), V2  Rotterdam (NL) and C3  Budapest (H)), within
the framework of ENCART.

Perspective takes place within the framework of the Budapest events surrounding
the 15th Anniversary of the Soros Foundation Hungary.

The perspective project is supported by the IKTA programme of the OMFB
(National Committee for Technological Development).


Partners / Sponsors:
Trust for Mutual Understanding, New York
Eyebeam Atelier
The British Council, Budapest
Pro Helvetia, Budapest
L'OREAL Art and Science Foundation (Japan)
Austrian Cultural Institute
Cultural Committee of the Budapest City Council
Alba Hotel, Budapest
AEGON Insurance
Hungarnet Association
MATÃ?V (Hungarian Telecom)
Institute of Research Organisation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA)
International Symmetry Foundation
Hull Time Based Arts

Mucsarnok / Kunsthalle Budapest
C3: Center for Culture & Communication

Perspective is an accompanying event of the UNESCO-ICSU world conference
Science in Art - Art in Science.

Adele Eisenstein
Symposium/International project coordination
C3: Center for Culture & Communication
Pf. 419, H-1537 Budapest, Hungary
(Budapest 1014, Orszaghaz u. 9)
Phone: +361 214 6856  Fax: +361 214 6872

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