isea on Thu, 15 Jul 1999 12:31:09 -0400

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Syndicate: New Executive Director at ISEA

(le francais suit ci-bas)

14 July, 1999

ISEA/Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts is pleased to announce the
appointment of Carlos Soldevila as the new Executive Director of the
organization. Carlos Soldevila is a writer and new media editor. While
working as press correspondent in Cuba for the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting
corporation) and later in Quebec City for Reuters Press Agency, he
participated to the realization of many online magazines. Before accepting
ISEA's executive directorship, Carlos worked as the multimedia editor of the online magazines Voir <> and Hour <>. Carlos still writes a weekly column on new media for Voir. He is also the author of three books on travel (Cuba, Guatemala, Belize).

Members and friends of ISEA will have the opportunity to meet Carlos during Siggraph99 in Los Angeles, at the ISEA Gathering on Thursday, August 12,
1999. For more information on this meeting, please contact ISEA HQ
<[email protected]>. Carlos can be contacted at <[email protected]>.

Founded in the Netherlands in 1990, ISEA  is an international non-profit
member organization dedicated to the promotion and development of the
electronic arts. ISEA is commited to the interdisciplinary and
cross-cultural communication/cooperation between the arts and the fields of
technology, science, education, and industry.  ISEA's activities include:
organizing international symposia and  local events, developing
partnerships, implementing culturally diverse initiatives, publishing, and

(French version)

le 14 juillet, 1999

ISEA/Inter-societe des arts electroniques est heureuse d'annoncer la
nomination de Carlos Soldevila au poste de directeur executif de
l'organisation. Carlos Soldevila est auteur, journaliste et editeur
multimedia. Tout en occupant les postes de correspondant de presse a Cuba
pour la SRC (Societe Radio Canada), et a Québec pour l'Agence de presse
Reuters, Carlos a participe a de nombreux magazines en-ligne. Avant
d'accepter le poste de direction executive a ISEA, il travaillait a titre de
redacteur en chef des magazines en-ligne de Voir <> et de
Hour <> Carlos ecrit toujours une chronique
hebdomadaire sur les nouveaux medias au journal Voir. Il est aussi l'auteur de trois livres sur le voyage (Cuba, Guatemala, Belize).

Des membres et des ami(e)s d'ISEA auront l'opportunite de recontrer Carlos
lors de la reunion ISEA a Siggraph99  a Los Angeles jeudi, le 12 aout, 1999.
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter ISEA
<[email protected]>, et pour contacter Carlos Soldevila <[email protected]>.

Fondee en 1990 aux Pays-Bas et basee a Montreal (Quebec/Canada) depuis 1996,
ISEA est une organisation internationale a but non-lucratif vouee a la
promotion et au developpement interdisciplinaire et interculturel des arts
electroniques. ISEA a pour mandat de creer des plateformes afin de favoriser
l'emergence et la circulation des pratiques et des discours souleves par la
convergence des arts de  la technologie, de la science,  de l'education et
de l'industrie. Les activites d'ISEA comprennent l'organisation de
symposiums internationaux et d'evenements locaux, le developpment de
partenariats et initiatives de diversite culturelle, de publication et

Katarina Soukup 
International Research & Relations
Editor, ISEA Newsletter

ISEA/The Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts
Complexe Ex-Centris, 3530 boul. St-Laurent, #305, Montréal, Québec, H2X 2V1 CANADA
Tel: +1.514.847.8912 * Fax: +1.514.847.8834  * email: [email protected] *

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