Sinisa & Katarina on Fri, 06 Aug 1999 02:13:41 +0200

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FREEB92 Vas poziva

subota, 7. avgust 20:00
Pogon - Dom omladine Beograda 
novosti sa kompjuterske demo scene + koncert elektronske muzike
organizacija CoRRoSioN // produkcija CyberRex 
Jedan od stalnih elemenata aktivnosti (ex) Cinema REX-a 
- organizovan na inicijativu grupe CoRRoSioN - bio je 
vezan za promociju i podrsku domace kompjuterske demo 
scene. Od prvog dogadjaja odrzanog u maju 1997. godine 
petodnevni program koji je predstavio aspekte upotrebe 
kompjutera medju domacim autorima) organizovani su, 
do preuzimanja Cinema Rex-a - razliciti programi koji 
su promovisali kompjutersku umetnosti u razlicitim oblicima. 
Domaca demo scena dobila je priliku da se okuplja + 
saradjuje na takmicenjima (2 puta godisnje) i UPDATE-ovima 
(mesecni pregled najboljih svetskih produkcija i novih 
domacih produkcija izdatih van takmicenja). <br>
U okviru akcije FreeB92, CyberRex , 7.avgusta 1999. 
u 'Pogonu' Doma Omladine, nastavlja kontinuitet scenskih 
desavanja organizovanjem dogadjaja pod nazivom 'DIGITAL 
BUBBLEBATH'. Uz vodjstvo i grupe CoRRoSioN bice predstavljen 
izbor novih demoa izdatih od zadnjeg UPDATE-(odrzan 
u martu '99) i izveden koncert domace elektronske muzike 
uz vizuelnu podrsku najboljih demoa izdatih tokom zadnjih 
dodatne informacije: <> +
email: [email protected] + [email protected]


FreeB92 Invites You

Saturday, July 7, 1999, 20:00 hours
Pogon - Dom omladine Belgrade
News from the computer demo scene
+ electronic music concert
organisation CoRRoSioN // production CyberRex

One of the constant elements of Cinema REX activities - organised on the
initiative of the CoRRoSioN group - was related to the promotion and support
for domestic computer demo scene. Since the first happening which took place
in May 1997 (5-day programme which presented various aspects of the use of
computers by domestic authors), diverse programmes promoting computer art in
different forms have been organised. Domestic demo scene has had a chance to
gather together + co-operate in competitions (twice a year) and UPDATES
(monthly reviews of the best international productions as well as new
domestic productions which saw the light of the day between the

Within the framework of FreeB92 and CyberRex action we keep up staging
happenings through organising an event entitled 'DIGITAL BUBBLEBATH'. The
event shall be hosted by the CoRRoSioN group presenting the selection of new
demos produced since the last UPDATE (held in March '99) and staging a
concert of domestic electronic music with the visual support of best demos
produced in the course of the last few years.
(For further information: + +
(email: [email protected] + [email protected])