Jaka Zeleznikar on 23 Sep 99 14:54:19 MET DST

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sorry for the mistakes, there ara many but translation
is much closer to the original than one from porculus


"porculus" <[email protected]> wrote:
> ----- Message d'origine -----
> De : <[email protected]>
> Ã? : <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
> Envoyé : mercredi 22 septembre 1999 13:01
> Objet : Re: Syndicate: Re: SOROS AND CONTROL OF ACTIVISM
> > Can someone possible translate this posting to English? I'd really
> appreciate
> > reading it.
> yes and line by line (or nearest)
> > >bok amsterdam. bok ostali.
> you drink a beer in a bar...

   hi amsterdam, hi all the rest

> > >citam malo poruku koja je poslana na listu, a originalno je objavljena
> na
> > >syndicate mailing listi, i mislim da je previse banalizirana.
> ..beer not so good..

i read a message send to the list and originaly published on syndicate mailing
list and i think it's (aproximately) to bizare

> > >istina je da attack nema projekt koji se bavi izborima. to je nase
> pravo i

it's true that Attck have no project about ellections. this is our right

> ..you say to the owner 'aren't you ashamed to sell so rotten beer ?
> > >odluka.

and decision

> what ?
> > >istina je da funderi imaju programe namijenjene aktivnostima oko
> izbora, da
> > >su izabrali takvu strategiju. to je njihovo pravo i odluka.
> repeat and i kick your ass !

it true that money givers have programs connected to the ellecton,
that's their strategy, right and their dessison

> > >srecom, nasli smo dovoljno novca iz drugih programa i od razlicitih
by luck we founf other money givers from other programs and sources

> there he said bad thing about your mother and espeacialy your sisters
> > fundera,
> what things ?
> > >koji nije namjenjen aktivnostima vezanim direktno za izbore, pa i dalje
> (yes i totally agree with him)

they are not connectet to ellectons

> what.. what..er bitches surch idiot things you know
> > >disemo. prirodno je da osobno nisam sretan sto vecina fondera ima
> razlicite
> > >prioritete od onoga sto bih ja zelio raditi. naime u takvoj situaciji
> je
> > >teze raditi, ali to je sve.

there is a difference betven our program and program of money givers.
thet means that is a bit harder to work but thet's all
> but there really i can't imagine you could stay there without doing a
> thing, are you cowardly or what ?
> > >
> > >da li nas je netko kontrolirao ili ne, ne znam. da li smo izbjegli
> kontroli
> > >ili ne, ne znam. attack se nije prilagodio neposrednim prioritetima
> then you said his father just a fucking bastard (and i agree he was)

i dont know were ve controled or not, i dont know did we escape from the
control or not

> > >fondacija za ovu godinu, jer smo zakljucili da su nasi prioriteti (i
> > misija)
> you finish lying one the sidewalk, with bleeding noise

attack have its ovn program and stiks to it

> > >negdje drugdje. da li smo zato izbjegli kontroli? ne znam. istovremeno,
> a girl pass near you
> > >prica koju pricamo i "koja je nasa" je u mnogome u skladu sa pricom
> mnogih

there is a lot of "storys" like our
> she kicks in your balls cause she believes you said she has no pants
> > >fondacija. da li smo po tome kontrolirani? ne znam.

are we controled-i dont know

> you say bis bis.. cause she has no pants
> > >zapravo, ovo je jedna vrlo zanimljiva tema i volio bih cuti sta drugi
> misle
> > >o njoj.

it's a interesting teme and I would like to hear other people opinion

> life is a bitch
> > >ma.
> ma si !
> > >
> > Thanks!
> > j
> it was just a pleasure monsieur j !

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