MAZALI TATIANA on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 00:00:54 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime-ann> call for paper FORUM ISA

We are sending you a call for papers to submit to a panel that may interest you.

It is a panel for the next year world ISA (International Sociological Association) Forum in Barcelona (Spain) next September (http:// and refers to a work group (WG03) organized by us on “The Body in the Social Sciences” (http://

Please find attached the conference CFP, as well as our specific CFP related to the session we are working on (“Techno-Body: Creative Practices and Unpredictable Uses”).

If you are interested in participating please can you confirm your intention via email (to [email protected] and [email protected]) before December 15, 2007, so we can then plan the session accordingly.

We look forward to receiving your feedback and send you our best wishes,

Tatiana Mazali
Gianni Corino

Submission details:
- To confirm your interest in participating in this session please send an email to Tatiana Mazali ([email protected]) and Gianni Corino ([email protected]) before December 15th, 2007.
- Proposals (500 words max.) should be sent to: Tatiana Mazali ([email protected]), Gianni Corino, ([email protected]), and Bianca Maria Pirani ([email protected])
The deadline for submission of abstracts is December 31, 2007.

TATIANA MAZALI post-doc researcher, lecturer Politecnico di Torino - Dip. DICAS work email: [email protected]

Attachment: ISA_WG03_CFP_general.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: ISA_WG03_BODYandARTS.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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