brian carroll on Thu, 19 Jul 2001 07:43:35 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] language as basis for id.entity

                     "  T H E   P A P E R   I D E A  "

        1-    Introduction--------------->   Human Reasoning

        2-    The English Language------->   Reading|Writing

        3-    Sex|Gender----------------->   Example Sentence

              Mankind has been greatly influenced by His contribution
              to the History of Ideas.  Not only was He a great Man,
              He was also a great Human Being, above all else.

        4-    The Phenomenon of Gender Identity in History

              The Assumption..      Man = Human
                                Mankind = Humanity
                                Mankind = Humankind
                                History = The Human Story

        5-\  "Man was not created Equal"
          \-- Finite Limits in the Defining of Man:  Semantic Man
          \-- S-Man ------------------------>  Mankind (Humanity)
        6-\-- The Inequality of S-Man ------>  Race and Religion
        7-\-- The Law of Equal Rights --\--->  Sex and Gender
                                        |    Male = Female  Fe|Male
                                        |     Man = Woman   Wo|Man
               Public | Private         |      he = she      s|he
              --------|--------         |     him = her    him|her
                Human | S-Man           |     his = hers   his|hers
        8--     Human-kind           <--|-------   Wo|Man-kind
                and the Human Story  <--|-------  His|Her-Story

                (What is it?)  The Case for Translation of His-story
                               into the Human Story, His|Her-story

       (9)-     Remark on a Graphic Assumption:  \ | /

                         s\he     s|he    s/he

                         -\+      =|=     +/-

                           he     s|he    she

        10--\   Logic and the Reading|Writing of Wo|Man and Fe|Male..
            \----->   Either|Or      Neither      Both|And
            \----->   difference    <Neither>     similarity

       (11)--   Difference and Wo|Man-kind..    Identity and War

        12--    The Case of the Hermaphrodite and the Public Law

                                ---|----  =  Human

                 [wondering about mystery reference to Plato]

        13--     Human Evolution--   Evo^3         i n f i n i t e

                 __________        '\     /`
                 | Human  |          \___/
                 |________|          /   \            H u m a n
                 | wo|man |          \___/         I d e n t i t y
                 |___|____|          /   \
                                  __/     \__

                    I|We           You|Me|We       Equality and Peace

        14--  A Case for Human Translation of the English Language

        conclusion:      Being Human, Reasoning in Reading|Writing

version 2
v1. circa
early 1990s

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