rick on Tue, 20 Nov 2001 10:22:01 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] vrije keyser statements on war on the internet

November 19, 2001

Vrije Keyser Television

Message - Statements on war can be viewed on the internet

The following two paragraphs we wrote in our press release to 
our program on Saturday 29 september 2001:

 and was morally condemned as cold-hearted, or even pro-Osama. 

cent civilians.

ntsonwar.html) as a contribution to the second edition of 
Statements on war. 

To inspire vereyone the first Statements on war can be viewed on 
the internet. Take a look on www.vrijekeyser.nl, the page with the 
videos is www.vrijekeyser.nl/onwar.html. It is necessary to install 
Real Player on your computer for viewing the films.

Vrije Keyser
[email protected]

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