the_butcher_of_nettime on Sat, 16 Jun 2001 22:15:38 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> shortcut digest [joly, brace, recktenwald x2, d@nupi]

Richard Joly <[email protected]>
   Re: <nettime> Naomi Klein on Italian 'Centri Sociali'... (fwd)
{ brad brace } <[email protected]>
   Re: Today, *attention* is the real currency of businesses and, individuals.
Heiko Recktenwald <[email protected]>
   Re: <nettime> Naomi Klein on Italian 'Centri Sociali'... (fwd)
Heiko Recktenwald <[email protected]>
   Re: <nettime> Net blackout marks Web's Achilles heel 
[email protected]

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Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2001 09:40:55 -0400
From: Richard Joly <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: <nettime> Naomi Klein on Italian 'Centri Sociali'... (fwd)

>Message: This article by columnist Naomi Klein (author of No Logo) was in
>this morning's Globe and Mail in the Toronto edition. It is probably of
>interest to Inura members.
>(and now also to nettime readers...)

Also new on the web, coinciding with the release of the French translation,
 is a  27mn in Realvid�o  video of naomi klein in conference in France last
week;  in French and  English.

Richard Joly

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Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 19:00:54 -0700 (PDT)
From: { brad brace } <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Today, *attention* is the real currency of businesses and, individuals.

Should you believe that print media are obsolete (300,000
books are published annually world-wide), consider the more
than 2 billion Web pages in the world, a large chunk of
which can't even be found with the best search engines. The
amount of Internet traffic doubles every hundred days.

To control attention means to control experience, and
therefore the quality of life. Information reaches
consciousness only when we attend to it. Attention acts a
filter between outside events and our experience with them. 
How much stress we experience depends more on how well we
control attention, than on what happens to us. 

The 12hr-ISBN-JPEG Project                >>>> since 1994 <<<<

+ + +         serial 
+ + +      eccentric
+ + +     continuous
+ + +    hypermodern
+ + +        imagery

      News:// ://a.b.p.fine-art.misc
  Reverse Solidus:

 { brad brace }   <<<< [email protected] >>>>  ~finger for pgp

Note: all "Teleport" addresses (web/ftp/email) are being eliminated: 
no thanks to Earthlink scum. Please choose from listed alternates.

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Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 19:42:11 +0200 (CEST)
From: Heiko Recktenwald <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: <nettime> Naomi Klein on Italian 'Centri Sociali'... (fwd)

> In Italy, this culture developed out of necessity. With politicians on
> both the left and right mired in corruption scandals, large numbers of
> Italian youths have understandably concluded that it is power itself that
> corrupts. The social centre network is a parallel political sphere that,

And that power is fun. Last sunday I was in the train from Napoli to
Roma, that arrived after 1 o clock instead of 21. Roma football hooligans
had stopped the train before in each station with the emergency
break. Another way of living. A prostitute from hungary asked the stupid
question: "Is there no police" ?

Btw, those hools were rather friendly prols, smoking one joint after the
other, no drinking, singing their supporting songs. Roma/Napoli was 2:2.


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Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 11:37:18 +0200 (CEST)
From: Heiko Recktenwald <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: <nettime> Net blackout marks Web's Achilles heel 

> intentional blackout suited the purposes of one side in the collapse of
> talks between two major Internet service providers, Cable & Wireless and the
> financially strapped PSINet. A critical link between the two networks was
> cut, blocking some companies from seeing their own Web sites, and stalling
> e-mail between thousands of sources.

Well, customers had still the choise to go AOL or whatever. We had the
same situation here with a big telephon company (for long distance
phonecalls) that couldnt pay its own telephone bill. Thats market.


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From: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 07:04:45 +0200

an interview with is a new website of an artist living and working in berlin

Q. Do you feel that the moment of truth on automation is coming a lot
   sooner than most people realize?
A. yes

Q. But what is the truth about automation?
A. kaesesandwich?

Q. How do you feel about the 35,000 or more U.S. workers who are
   losing their jobs in the new econmy.
A. 35000? ny is gone

Q. Do you feel that automation has been responsible for the
   nation-wide shortage of time?
A. what nation?

Q. What does the computer mean to you?
A. 0

Q. Do you feel that the alternative to automation is economic suicide?
A. yes

Q. Purists speak of cybernation, in which a master machine is used to
   run other machines, as in a factory. Using this definition would
   you then say that you are a Purist?
A. yes

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