brian carroll on Sun, 17 Jun 2001 20:19:09 +0200 (CEST) |
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<nettime> US Energy Policy |
tonight i downloaded the 2 megabyte .pdf of the US energy policy proposal led by the US administration, and specifically by Vice President Cheney. here are some thoughts after scanning the document and reading certain parts, while trying to understand the context the document is written within, the retro-zeitgeist, so to speak... [full version: ] my first thought upon seeing the 160 page document was that the graphs and information were presented so simply, overly so, that it was ignoring a lot of the complexity involved in issues such as nuclear and fossil fuels for power generation, and using these 'facts' and 'balanced perspectives' as a strategic 'long-range energy plan' which builds upon the current system, while depending upon 'technological innovation' to bring the needed market changes, without regulation, while at the same time, remarking how to get to alternative energy generation and distributed generation where consumers become power producers, will indeed take regulatory action on a state-local level. maybe that is not a contradiction, but in my view, it is. for example, a federal policy which is at an intra-state level, determining how the energy system can and will behave in the marketplace, and also at an intra-national and inter-national level, with regard to other geopolitical forces (the Russian and Chinese energy scenarios, resources, etc), and then laying out a 'plan' that is identical to the system that is currently fundamentally flawed in the terms of public health, welfare, and long-term economic, social, and, importantly, political stability is not included in the simplistic equation that makes up the proposal presented by the VP and other admins (as recommended by 'career bureaucrats', as VP Cheney uses as a distinction from 'politicians') is just that, a bureaucratic solution solving a problem that is not the problem, and seeing the solution much too simplistically for long-term planning, and putting the whole of the democratic state of things at stake by using old ideas for new situations, in fact, dismissing new knowledge in favor of old ways of doing things, that politics can help keep going while the state-machine churns forward. if the President and Vice President were railroad tycoons, instead of energy CEOs, and this was the late 19th century, they might be seen as visionary in their simple view of how things work. for if their view was something new, it could be exploited and the complexity ignored, as it is not known, things such as global warming, wars for natural resources, massive inefficiency in the current infrastructure. instead, all of these are denied and the "substance" of Energy Policy, of which VP Cheney is supposed to possess, is instead a total lack of any unbiased view of this situation. for example, only in the section on alternative energy is transmission line loss stated, as i was able to find. and, it was stated that local generation of power (requiring regulatory action in the VP's view) would have loss of 5%. what the VP and Energy Policy proposed fails to mention is that there is more than 66% loss in the current system. so, one could say that at least 50% of any investment into the current system would be just to subsidize the system, and the energy generated, the supply, would be lost, to the demand of the inefficient system, and not to any demand by consumers. if that 50% waste were instead invested at the local level, not necessarily contrary to the goals of larger energy providers, given that they can adapt and evolve their expertise and business models to deal with the 21st century, is that, with strategic long-range planning, such a large-scale change could indeed be implemented. that is, a strategy. instead, what is offered is the repetition of a model which is predictable, in total, which serves the largest systems of the energy production market, but ignores the need for government policy, which is supposed to represent the 'public' or 'human' view, of our energy future. that is, the basis for all things electric, electronic, and dependent upon this. including the Internet, and other media, work, lights, heat, power, etc. there is absolutely no vision in this policy, but a censoring of the possible by short-sighted and it needs to be said, and lack of intelligence in planning the future of the local and global state of things, i.e. the future of people. that is, people, not consumers. democratic freedom, not capital alone, etc. then why does the US policy on alternative energy propose only the most difficult of alternative energy systems while not mentioning in proposals to the President the ones that could be rapidly implemented, instead focussing on nuclear power and a long-term need for a hydrogen infra- stucture who's time has not yet come, obviously a moot point. there is so much political talk about the 'tone' of things, that things need harmony, etc. and that is is the value for when things work and things are good. this is a lightweight version of rhetorical ploy-making, in that the good is not necessarily the true, and things that are nice are not necessarily the best things for long-term strategic planning for a democratic state, in that a democracy without conflict, without any 'substantive' debate, and without confrontation and disagreement, is not a democracy but a bounded philosophy which uses democratic freedoms as long as they stay within the rules of the status quo, running the works. when massive change is needed, strategic and long-range planning does not mean pulling the plan that is failing out of the drawer and adding more supply to it, like adding gasoline into a leaking tank. the reason for this is the hypocrisy of the corporate democracy, where the rule of business predetermine possible outcomes to public policy, because of economic factors, and thus threaten the public aspects of democratic states by limiting their solutions to those agreed upon by private enterprise, that is, those whom have the money and the connections to be educated, and rise within the system, by the rules, and to participate, while running the companies that feed off of this ecosystem. this is not a good or bad thing, in a sense, but a true or false thing. and it seems true to many people today. witness the groups dissenting various aspects of governmental and business actions, in opposition with the public will. it is a complex situation, of course, but the rhetoric is insultingly simple, stupidly so, so that one has to dissent if one has an independently thinking mind, that, yes, resistance, rebellion, and death- or, put another existential way- get nauseous when recognizing the total absurdity of trying to act in a pseudo-state of being, where the only knowledge comes from nothingness, the void, the zero, and not from any one actual existing thing. the essence is not real, in its-self. it is fictive. but it is also all that is and can be. and, the nothingness of US energy policy is an indication of the knowing that is found in seeing what is 'not', in that, it is no longer the reasoned i think, therefore i believe, i believe therefore i exist. but instead, it has become: i negate, therefore i do not believe; i do not believe, therefore i do not exist. and in not-existing, in not-being, knowing is found, that there are other ways of being that are not being represented. that the 'will of the people' that the political spin-meisters weave through the mediated universe, is just that, people defined in a privately-public democratic state. for such reasons, any will is that of the will to power, but primarly private power, and the semantic (super, s-man and s-woman) wo|men whom represent the whole through their kaleidscopic lens. seeing, through their modeling of the whole of humanity through their private world view, mis-represent the will of the public people, and instead progress 'the art of the possible' as it is defined by the private sphere of doing things. this is not a diatribe of a capitalist versus communist worldview, as there can be public capitalism and private communism. as there can also be communist democracies and democratic communistic states of being in the world. this may just be the way things are, as they are inherited. this is a question, not an answer. an effort to ask, to see if others see anything in the same realm. as, from this vantage, there is only war on the horizon. near enough to wager that within 5 years, likely less, there will be a nuclear weapon fired in an act of state to state warfare. from a certain point of view, this is probable. but it is not based on secret knowledge. some covert or special knowing. it is open source intelligence/thinking. that is, analysis based upon givens, but those givens are not to be preordained by the visiting professor in the university, but in the free minds of independent thinkers, who see, and perceive. then decide what to believe, if anything, one thing or some thing or no thing. the skeptics abound. that is the hypo- crisy of private democracy. there is fear instead of thought, instead of debate. no one, it seems, wants any- one else to know that they, indeed, really no nothing, for certain. in- stead, there is certainty in knowing what is known, that which is true, that which is legitimate knowledge. person to person, peer to peer thinking does not exist. it first needs to be ordained by the orthodoxy of the bureaucracy of the way things are, that same old blueprint in that same old drawer, be it energy policy, art, architecture, or business. there is a modernist world-view, brought into the 21st century from our friends in the 18th century. yet, enlightenment only went so far, as the fallacy of reason has been well-proven, so much so, that only unreason and irrational knowledge prevail. the absurd. the shock. and the mundane. opposites. culture wars. a kind of violence. which, when it enables a change to occur, as revolutions can, can be helpful in moving things in the needed direction, if they are not going towards the values the public needs in order to survive, long-term. exactly this, in that reason is not based on truth, but power. but, to be more explicit, it is private power which supercedes public knowledge. review the proposed US Energy Policy and 'the lack of knowledge' outside that of a warped private perspective, and notice, if you will, as a citizen, how it serves well the systems that exist, and are dysfunctional to the whole on a myriad of levels (warfare, global warming, inefficiency) and how propelling this same system into the long-range future is going to help change the course which is rapidly destroying our planet and ourselves. if there are absolutes, they need to be verified by public debate. there needs to be fair and open debates of 'facts', and not a limiting to what information is and is not presented into a debate. there needs to be a freedom to thinking, else it is not that, it is only ideological, set, a construct, an automatic formula for dealing with a situation/scenario. if one was a war-planner, one would be a prisoner of war. and if a state exists at that level, as the world in itself, then the world will exist as a prisoner of its own wars. and, on a cultural level, if this war is not turned outward, due to the inter- linking of state policies propelling the same worldview forward, then there will need to be an internal purging of dissent, which is now beginning to be felt in local communities around the world. the crazy people are starting to talk, as the crows fly down streets cawing. and that weird weird weather.... the end of time occurs when the space of that time no longer exists to support the time. something can exist in mind that no longer exists in what is known as physical or actual space. what seems to be the state of the world today does not seem to be reflected in the minds of the energy planners in the US planners minds. they seem to be living in a time and space of yesteryear, a simplistic view of the present, maybe because their position is so far from the normal that they cannot see the situation from a perspective more than their own. and their power only allows, not by their own choice, only those possibilities which are in the right tone, that is, compliant, and controllable by the powers that be. good for business, it is said, thus good for people. but what if this long-range planning (4 years extrapolated over 50 years) is bad for people and businesses in the short, medium, and long-term? what kind of strategists are we being represented by? hopefully ones with open ears, and minds. this is not a answer of opposition, but paradox. the situation of energy affects absolutely everything, here and beyond. how can we work together when being appeased will do no good. when the only change must be a total 'substantial' change, based on shared and open knowledge, and not on a society of control, where in a democracy, free speech means the freedom to sign your own exit from the cultural order and to cease to exist, in any sense... in short; the US energy policy is not unlike any other policy put forward today. it is limited by the system used to create it. democracy, as an idea, is a possibility, not a definitive and absolute thing. if it is absolute, it needs to be so for everyone. and given the street protests this is not so. and the complexity of these days needs to be dealt with on the scale that the problems exist on, and any less will limit the chance to effectively address the issues involved, in a fair and balanced way, taking into account both the public and private vantage, the regional issues, and on and on. at a certain level things are very complex, too complex. but so too, at a certain leve, things are too simple, way too simple. for both sides, the pro and the anti this and that, as with energy policy. how to have an open dialogue and to come to the best solution, but not by being moderate in action, as this is not a time for moderation. it is a time for massive action on a massive scale, in the needed and absolutely necessary directions, stressing the 'absolute' in that statement, things such as global warming, inefficiency, and a state of national and international security which makes thinking too 'differently' a crime. it is not a question of how we can fix this current system, but how we can change it. if NASA scientists can ponder, via government funding, how to change the orbit of earth using the gravitational pull of closely passing comets, can we not as a human population work together to find our shared goals and make the needed changes for our survival, on the same scale as the earth itself, where, as human beings, we are one... if there is an answer, or a strategy, it is not in reason. as power controls information, which limits debate and ideas and innovation. things stagnate into clockwork systems. if truth and falsehood can not be reasoned with, given the complexity and simplicity with which contradictory views clash, rhetorically and literally with the provaction of suppression and violence; then it becomes a question, it seems, of the foundations for reason, which appear to be that of systems of logic. to take apart, rearrange, and put back together the same reasoning, but with different rules of engagement, may be a way to break the static condition of cultural involvement in democracies. by defining 'what is private' and 'what is public', as shared and also empirical terms, simple and complex, may allow for 'facts' to be reevaluated. for example, the US energy policy, with no definition of 'the public' and 'the private', goes undefined, and cannot be countered or questioned or acted upon, as there is no basis for such a challenge. it is not allowed. it is not in the rule books of rhetorical reasoning. it is not taught in the schools, etc. it is not the way of doing business, which is also the same way as doing thinking today. compete as private individuals. this may or may not be United Statesian in its worldview, but it seems it is not, given the real outpouring of support for anti- globalist movers and shakers. how to change something bigger than any state, than any nation, as big as the world? will we want one person to represent the whole, or a bureaucracy to do so? neither of these solutions, given past experience, would be effective, either in the current standards of presupposed democratic freedoms, (benign dictator) nor of economic systems (closed markets). yet today this is approximately the state of the world. it is run by private individuals whom represent the public, through the pursuit of business which is supposed to bring some kind of divine transcendence through innovation, but instead stagnates the possibilities in a steady-state universe which necessitates a totalitarian and authoritarian society, democratic or not. democracy then and now becomes more about controlling information than it is about opening up ideas and thinking. this not-being and not-becoming. that is our common issue. those who exist fully as themselves today are only living in the past. as the real issues that plague our societies and our planet go unaddressed and often are unacknowledged in plausible deniability, maybe for as sincere a reason as not having a better plan to deal with these issues. the best planning is an open- plan for democratic societies. it is not about closing down options, but opening up new opportunities, to allow change and evolution of ideas and thus, of action, to occur. and to support change, not fight it alone. to see, at a certain point, that things are at a point of total civil war, and a worldwide purging of dissent is the only possibility to stopping the chaos that not-dealing with our persistent problem breeds. not by one leader or one state, but by a bureaucratic machine, which works in its own best interest, the first and likely the last automaton. each word becomes a weapon, and whatever hacker sanctioned by whatever power from whatever side can start poking at the fire to get flames up and rising, to a white heat, ready for melting the core of our common bonds. we must step back from the flames, see the light, talk about what is going on, not jump over the flames alone, and disappear, a victim or a martyr, as it only serves the mythology of the past that is being sustained in the present. the individual ego must die to work as a group, and be recreated in a new context of collaboration. please consider the US energy policy as the most blatant of misguided visions- the total lack of vision, shared and public- and if you voice your dissent, please consider this issue as yours too. whether we are private businesses, citizens, academics, and from whatever part of the world- the US energy policy, consumer of 1/4 of the world's energy, will be catastrophic to the short-, medium-, and long-range planning of the planet and our human communities. this is not an US versus Them scenario. it is about finding a way to redirect a broken system, deconstructing it so that it can work for us, all of us, including those whom are also sustaining the current economies, if they take the challenge to change, and make this public policy a public effort, a shared human effort to make plans on a global scale, without the private individuals deciding the fate of the whole of humanity, while also lacking awarenes of the state of the world(s) they represent in their own paradox of logical fallibility. time to change the rules. and thus, change the planet, and the course of humanity on it. let's start moving... human #4 billion and one matter, energy, and in-formation # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: [email protected]