Announcer on Fri, 12 Oct 2001 18:59:44 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> events [x 12]

Table of Contents:

     josephine starrs <[email protected]>                                        

   Invite to the premiere of a documentary by young Bosnian-American film producer 
     "Ivo Skoric" <[email protected]>                                                

   Conference on the Public Domain;  Duke Law School Nov 9-11,2001                 
     "geert lovink" <[email protected]>                                                

   blast from the past: The Future State of Balkania                               
     "darko fritz" <[email protected]>                                               

   book launch-coco fusco                                                          
     [email protected]                                                               

   Symposium TransUrbanism: cities entering atmospheric phase                      
     joke brouwer <[email protected]>                                                         

   (re)distributions show update                                                   
     Patrick Lichty <[email protected]>                                                  

   CARGO II PRESS RELEASE                                                          
     "geert lovink" <[email protected]>                                                

   Net User conference                                                             
     "galia" <[email protected]>                                                     

     Fatima Lasay <[email protected]>                                             

   Wizards of OS News                                                              
     "Volker Grassmuck" <[email protected]>                                     

   videophonic soundscape EUROPEALIS - MEETING POINT                               
     "Iris Hoppe" <[email protected]>                                            


Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2001 12:38:44 +1000
From: josephine starrs <[email protected]>
Subject: TILT

dLux media arts in association with the Australian Network for Art and
Technology (ANAT), Imperial Slacks, House of Laudanum and Metro Screen is
pleased to announce a dynamic forum on tactical media to be held in October in
Sydney as part of dLux media art's futureScreen 01 event, TILT.

TILT (Trading Independent Lateral Tactics) is bringing together local and
inter/national activists, artists and media theorists over twelve days to
facilitate the exchange and development of ideas, skills and practices
between different active groups and individuals through workshops,
symposium and other ontological anarchy.

Seminar ~Tactical Media:_How to make trouble and influence people
Monday 8th October
6.15pm - 9:15pm
Paddington RSL, 226 Oxford St, Paddington, Sydney.

'Culture jamming', 'subvertising' and the 'new resistance'. This seminar
looks at how media savvy newcomers are subverting the majors, taking the
branding wars to the boardrooms and the loungerooms of the nation.
Convened by Metro Screen

Ian Walker_chair//Geert Lovink//Rachel Baker//
Sam de Silva//Gabrielle Kuiper

Bookings: [email protected]
ph +61 2 9361 5318

TILT Symposium at College Of Fine Arts, Paddington, Sydney
12, 13 &14 October
The key event is a three day symposium at the College Of Fine Arts, Sydney
will bring together international and local media makers, activists and
cultural workers to create opportunities for intense exchange. Issues
include the effects of globalisation on borders, both electronic and real,
hacktivism, renewable energy, biotechnology, access for all to information
and communication technologies and the problems of state and corporate
surveillance of these systems.

Friday 12th Oct
6.30pm - 7.00pm     Registration
7.00pm            Official welcome and introduction
7.15pm            Paula Abood (Aust)
The Day the World Didn't Change
The Western media has never been able to represent the politics of the Other

8.00pm             Deborah Kelly (Aust)
Necessity is the Mother
Here, there are rumours of war and prophesies of apocalypse. By the time
TILT opens, everything will be different.

8.45pm            Steve Kurtz, Critical Art Ensemble (USA)
Contestational Biology
Critical Art Ensemble will present a model through which biological
resources can be marshaled for resistant purposes.

Followed by drinks

Saturday 13th Oct
10.00am        Welcome and introduction
10.10am        RTMark (USA)
Overview of RTMark sponsored projects, past,current & future.

11.00am - 1.30pm    Panel - Same Same Different, Different....
(networking  & access for all�..developing infrastructure/media centres)
Chair: Panos Couros
Partha Pratim Sarker (Bangladesh), Jenny Austin and Chea Sundaneth
(Cambodia), Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits, Re-lab (Latvia )

1.30pm - 2.30pm LUNCH

2.30am        Marco Desiriis (Italy)
Mythopoetic strategies and simulative tactics
against the G8 narrative Genoa, 20 of July, 2001

3.20pm BREAK

3.30pm -6.00pm Panel - Poisoned earth : waste not, want not?
(Exploring tools and tactics to combat crimes against the land)
Chair: Julie Nimmo
Ricardo Dominguez, Electronic Disturbance Theatre (USA), Irati Wanti (SA),
Kevin Buzzacott (SA), John Hodge (SchNEWS, UK)

Sunday 14th October
10.00am        Welcome and introduction
10.10am        Felipe Rodriquez (NSW)
Activists and Spooks
Activist groups can become targets of intelligence services through
infiltration, observation and collection of communication data.

11.00am - 1.30pm    Panel - The Net: Surveilled beat, shopping mall, or
graffiti wall?
(Issues of internet legislation & censorship)
Chair: Julianne Pierce
Irene Graham (Electronic Frontiers Australia), Scot McPhee,
(NSW), Mark Gundeson, The Evolution Control Committee (USA), Kerry Nettle

1.30pm - 2.30pm    LUNCH

2.30pm           Ricardo Dominguez (USA)
Hacktivismo: A Play in 3 Scenes
The Electronic Disturbance Theater has been pushing the possibility of code
politics and
street activism mirroring each other via digital zapatismo

3.20pm BREAK

3.30pm - 6.00pm    Panel -  Sabotaging the New World Order
(hacktivism and other social technologies)
Chair: Josephine Starrs
RTMark (USA), Rachel Baker(UK), Marcus Westbury (NSW) Steve Kurtz (USA)

Call Vivian Wong at dLux media arts to book or email: [email protected]
tel +61 2 9380 4255
fax +61 2 9380 4311

More information on the TILT event can be found on the website:


Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 16:05:24 -0400
From: "Ivo Skoric" <[email protected]>
Subject: Invite to the premiere of a documentary by young Bosnian-American film producer

- ------- Forwarded Message Follows -------

I would like to inform you that my first documentary project named " 
Refugee's' Story" will be screened at the Brooklyn Film and Video Festival on 
October 11 at Long Island University in Brooklyn.

Adnan Rudanovic
Producer of Bosnian-American TV

Starts at:   5:00 p.m. Octobar 11th.2001.
Ends at:   9:00 p.m. 
Length:   1 day  
Host:   Rodney Hurley  
Rescheduled from September 13 & September 14, 2001  
35th Annual International Film and Video Festival  
College Student Screenings: 35th BAC International Film and Video Festival. 
Spike Lee Screening Room, first floor of the Library Learning Center, LIU: 1. 
The Blessing/La Bendicion by Sandra Contreras; 2. Bid Me Run by Lewis Fojtik; 
3. Quangle Wangle by Michael Nock; 4. A Baseball Story by Michael Drozd; 5. 
The Angel in His Head by Te-Shun Tseng; 6. Representative Earl Harris by 
Malcolm Pelles; 7. Anderson by Jason Doty; and 8. bleep by LIU students 
Monique L. James, Gen Ai Liu, and Celeste M. Banks. 9. Refugee's Story by 
Adnan Rudanovic; 10. Budget Liquor by Morgan Miller; 11. Split by Ya-Nan 
Chou; 12. Shame by Fatima Mojaddidy; 13. Breaths by Amy Ellison; 14. Lector 
by Greg Marcks; 15. Undertow by Mary Prendergast; and 16. The World's Best 
Prom by the group OVO, Inc. including LIU student Hillevi Loven.  
Long Island University 
1 University Plaza 
Media Arts Department 
Brooklyn, NY 11201  
Description: The Brooklyn campus of Long Island University is located at the 
intersection of Dekalb and Flatbush Avenues. Subway: D,M,N,Q,R: Dekalb 
Station; and 2,3,4,5: Nevins Street.  

Programs are subject to change.  
 what's new | contact BAC | contact webmaster | web site credits 


Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 10:30:21 +1000
From: "geert lovink" <[email protected]>
Subject: Conference on the Public Domain;  Duke Law School Nov 9-11,2001

From: "James Boyle" <[email protected]>

Dear all,

>From Nov 9-11, Duke Law School is having a conference on the Public Domain;
we have scholars of intellectual property and cyberspace, as well as
prominent theorists of the commons, historians, appropriationist, artists,
scientists, activists, filmmakers, entrepreneurs, constitutional law
scholars... the list goes on and on. The conference
is nearly full up but there are still a few spaces. Details, schedule and a
registration form can be found at Please feel
free to repost to other lists.

Unfortunately, we are out of money so we can't subsidise attendees. We will,
however, be having the proceedings webcast, the conference focus papers will
be online, and we will have web discussion boards. For those who do have
independent sources of funding, and are willing to make the trip, we would
be delighted to see you.  The website has an online registration form and
there are still a few seats available. I hope the rest of you can join us

thanks so much,


The Public Domain
A Conference at Duke Law School
(With the support of the Center for the Public Domain)

Excerpt from the conference description:

The last fifteen years has seen a rise in both the importance and the
strength of intellectual property rights in the world economy; rights have
expanded in areas ranging from the human genome to the internet and have
been strengthened with legally backed digital fences, lengthened copyright
terms and increased penalties. Is this expansion of intellectual property
necessary to respond to new copying technologies, and desirable because it
will produce investment and innovation? Must we privatize the public domain
to avoid a "tragedy of the commons," or
can the technologies of cheap copying and global networks actually make
common pool management more efficient than legal monopolies? Questions such
as these have thrown attention on the "other side" of intellectual property:
the public domain. What does the public domain do? What is its importance,
its history, its role in science, art, and in the building of the Internet?
How is the public domain similar to and different from the idea of a
commons? This conference, the first major meeting to focus squarely on the
topic of the public domain, will try to answer some of these questions in
areas ranging from the human genome to appropriationist art, from the
production of scientific data to the architecture of our communications
networks. For each panel, "focus papers" will be produced by authorities in
the field and made available on the Internet before the event in order to
generate discussion.

James Boyle
Professor of Law
Duke University Law School
Science Drive & Towerview
Box 90360
Durham, NC 27708-0360
919 613-7287 ph.
(Assistant: Eileen Wojciechowski
919 613-7206)
[email protected]
Home Page & Essays


Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 15:23:22 +0200
From: "darko fritz" <[email protected]>
Subject: blast from the past: The Future State of Balkania

The Future State of Balkania presentation @ go_HOME project

Sunday October 14th 2001 . New York + webcast

Alongside other gusets + particiapations of go_HOME project The Future State
of Balkania will be presented by Darko Fritz at webstreamed dinner

The dinner discussion will be webcast live through the new media center
Location One in New York and will be point-to-point web-streamed with the
Sarajevo Center for Contemporary Arts media lab. Dinner and webcast starting
Sunday October 14th 2001 at 2:00 pm US Eastern Time and 8:00 pm Central
European Time.


The Future State of Balkania [since 1999]


>>>> Balkania New York presentation is dedicated to Nikola Tesla >>>>
>>>> one of the honorary citizens of The Future State of Balkania >>>>
> The first Indian spiritual leader who came to Europe and the USA,
> the famous Vivekananda, frequently visited Tesla, whom he called
> the "biggest Yogi of the west".
>>>> ich bin ein balkanier

____ >>>>>>>>>>____
darko fritz propaganda .


Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 09:31:27 EDT
From: [email protected]
Subject: book launch-coco fusco

Coco Fusco 
Published by Routledge- in association with inIVA

The book launch will now take place at the Victoria Miro Gallery at 18.30 on 
Thursday 25 October 2001

Interdisciplinary artist and writer Coco Fusco is one of North America's 
leading interpreters of intercultural theory and practice. The Bodies That 
Were Not Ours- gathers Fusco�s finest writings since 1995, and includes 
critical essays by Jean Fisher and Caroline Vercoe.

Engaging and provocative, this collection of essays, interviews, performance 
scripts and foto novelas takes the reader on a tour of our current 
multicultural landscape. Fusco explores such issues as Frantz Fanon's 
theorization of metropolitan blackness, sex tourism in Cuba as a barometer of 
the island's entry into the global economy, and artistic and net activist 
responses to the effects of free trade on the Mexican populace. 

Fusco, whose previous publications include English is Broken Here (New Press, 
1995) and Corpus Delecti (Routledge, 1999) interviews such postcolonial 
personae as Isaac Julien, Hilton Als and Tracey Moffatt. Approaching the 
dynamics of cultural fusion from many angles, Fusco's satires, commentaries 
and sociological inquiries collapse boundaries, forming a sustained 
meditation on how the forces of globalisation impact upon the making of art.

Coco Fusco reads extracts from The Bodies That Were Not Ours-, and will be 
appearing in conversation with writer and film-maker John Akomfrah. 
25.10.01 at 18.30; Victoria Miro Gallery, 16 Wharf Road (off City Rd), London 
N1 7RW
Nearest Tubes: Old Street and Angel
This event is free, but places will be allocated on a first come, first 
served basis.


The Bodies That Were Not Ours- And Other Writings-
Published: October 2001
246x174mm: 284pp: illus. 30 b+w photos and 12 page colour insert-
Hardback: �55.00, ISBN: 0-415-25173-7. Paperback: �14.99-, ISBN: 0-415-25174-5
To order your copy please call the customer hotline: +44 (0)20 8700 768 853

For further information, please contact Natasha Anderson or Stuart Croft 
on +44 (0)20 7729 9616  or email: [email protected]


Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 15:58:43 +0200
From: joke brouwer <[email protected]>
Subject: Symposium TransUrbanism: cities entering atmospheric phase

Symposium TransUrbanism: cities enter atmospheric phase

As a sequel to 'The Art of the Accident' (1998) and 'Machine Times' 
(2000) V2_Organisation organizes on 29 and 30 November a symposium 
entitled 'TransUrbanism.'

Data: Thursday 29 and Friday 30 November 2001
Location: NAI  Netherlands Architecture Institute, Museumpark 25, 
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Symposium runs: 10:30 a.m. till 5:30 p.m. (doors open at 10:00 a.m.)
Admission: fl. 100, - (2 days), students fl. 65, -
More information and reservations: Marije Stijkel, e-mail 
[email protected] or by phone +31(10) 206-7272.

Lectures by: Rem Koolhaas (NL), Knowbotic Research (D/A), Scott Lash 
(GB), Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (MEX/CDN), Edward Soja (USA), Lars 
Spuybroek (NL), Roemer van Toorn (NL) and Mark Wigley (USA).
The symposium will be moderated by Bart Lootsma and Andreas Ruby (D).

'TransUrbanism' describes how our cities enter the new 'atmospheric 
phase.' The city and her boarders blur. It is no longer a material 
object of which one can easily say where it precisely starts or ends. 
The urban experience is continued in other media and is echoed by 
other cities. Some sort of urban continuity occurs that only 
condenses and precipitates here or there in a 'city.' Sometimes quite 
materially, sometimes in a very narrative way, sometimes statistic, 
sometimes economically, sometimes very visually, but mostly all these 
together. Anyhow the city's continuity is in the first place temporal 
and not spatial. Spatial continuity as provided by architecture and 
urban planning seems to be less important than creating a coherent 
stream of experience in the fusion of movement, brands, faces, 
conversations and media. It is the living individual, not the urban 
planning, that synthesizes all of these media streams.

The city's substance is hardly material/architectural anymore. Public 
squares, market places, the layout of streets seem no longer relevant 
to how the city is experienced. Also, cities in general no longer 
seem to be the subject of individual experience. The urban experience 
is a continuous interaction between the city itself, the Internet, 
television and magazines. Consumer behavior and lifestyles are all 
temporary products of all of these different media concurrently and 
especially of how they interact. A lifestyle is the creation of an 
uninterrupted atmosphere in which urban elements such as certain 
shops and caf�s are closely linked to a certain brand of shoes, cars, 
clothing and a certain vernacular.

Rather than just attempting to analyze this, 'TransUrbanism' aims at 
a conscious practice: how can writers, artists and urban developers 
define new methods for inventing our future cities?

This symposium brings together thinkers and doers, theorists and 
practitioners, analysts and catalysts. Not as passive contrasts but 
as active, mutually influencing ways of putting theory into practice 
and of theorizing about what is being practiced.

More information can also be found on:

Production by V2_Organisatie.

Co-financed by: Stimuleringsfonds voor Architectuur
Sponsors: Netherlands Architecture Institute, Vereniging Leliman
Special thanks to: Rotterdam 2001, Cultural Capital of Europe
- -- 

Eendrachtsstraat 10
3012 XL  Rotterdam_NL
tel +
fax +


Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 20:06:03 -0700
From: Patrick Lichty <[email protected]>
Subject: (re)distributions show update

"(re)distributions: Information Appliance & PDA Art as cultural intervention"
Exhibition/Online Symposium
August 1, 2001- Jan/Feb.1, 2002
Patrick Lichty, Curator

Hello, all!
The show so far has been a great success, and I thank you all for your
support and participation.  However, as (re)distributions was designed to
be as flexible as the environment which it critiques, many changes have
occurred since the last posting in August.  Here is the rundown:

The show, which was supposed to be taken out of the 'dynamic stage' on
October 31, has been extended to remain open until February 1, 2002.  This
is to account for the month we lost due to the absolute lack of desire to
do anything for the month after Sept. 11th, as well as the new teamup with
the Media Cetner in the UK.  This is unusually forthcoming for us, but
these are unusual times.

New Works!
Carl DiSalvo/Hans Meyer essay will be online in October!
Nearly a half dozen new works will be on exhibition by Nov.1.  Stay Tuned!  

(re)distributions linked up with the Media Centre, UK!
(re)distributions will be part of the Media Centre's medialounge exhibition
this fall, and from this, may new opportunities will be afforded to
visitors and artists alike!

Staring in November (est. date Nov. 15), a six week threaded online forum
dedicated to the discussion of mobile artforms will discuss the future of
handheld and its cultural implications.

Our cutoff date has been extended to roughly January 31, so we will be
accepting works for another three months.  Sorry for not communicating with
those who have submitted after the opening. See above.

Once again, thanks for everyone's support for the show, and we're far from
Best, Patrick

The Personal Digital Assistant and informational appliances like pagers, cell
phones and connected organizers have added additional layers of interaction to
the digital society.  They occupy places of intimacy and preciousness as we
them upon the body.  The IA/PDA poses to create new cultural modes of
representation as these technologies create their own communities and networks
while not wholly relying on the Internet proper.  What social and cultural
impacts do these technologies pose to the individual and the larger community?
(re)distributions will seek to address the shifts in cultural practice through
showcasing works that utilize PDA OS, WAP or other wireless technologies to
visible critical issues (on micro- and macrocosmic levels) relating to the
of the embedded self and the wireless Web.


Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 11:36:57 +1000
From: "geert lovink" <[email protected]>

From: "CARGO" <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 3:44 PM


CARGO II / 13-14.10.2001

13.10: 13.00-01.00 hrs.

14.10: 13.00-01.00 hrs.

De Bagagehal / Loods 6

KNSM-laan 289 Amsterdam

Heimir Bj�rg�lfsson (IS) - David Claerbout (B) - Tommi Gr�nlund (FIN) and
Petteri Nisunen (FIN) - Germaine Kruip (NL) - Adam Marshall (CAN) and Jaymz
Pool (NZ) - Franz Pomassl (A) - ...
... HTV-News (NL) � VPRO De Avonden (NL) - Netherlands Media Art

On October 13 and 14, Cargo Series proudly presents Cargo II, second of
three international experimental art manifestations, taking place in the ODe
Bagagehal�, located in the harbour of Amsterdam. Framed in its tailor-made
timespan of 2 x 12 hrs and the monumental space of the warehouse-location,
the Cargo II-exhibition is the culmination of an intense collaboration
between artists, architects, curators, graphic designers, musicians, and
writers during several months.

Cargo Series intends to question established forms of presenting and
mediating art and seeks to explore new ways of dealing with them, taking the
determined (course of) time and space of its manifestation as the basis of
its concept. Within this context, Cargo II�s specific format is based on the
essentials of cinematographics. Balancing on the fine line between
autonomous art and narration, it employs its deconstructed elements of
(moving) light and sound in order to present them in a structure translated
to the time-space of the exhibition.

Rather than using the warehouse-hall as a stage for independent works, the
contributors to Cargo II were invited to work on the architectural frame
itself, taking into account the element of time passing throughout the
exhibition. The artists will present architectural installations, making use
of light, vibrations, and sound, thereby providing a stage for their
performances, enwrapping its visitors like characters in an unfolding of
time and innumerable plots. The scenes are only partly known beforehand,
shaped outside the control of their authors, to be in the end reconstructed
by their interpreters.

Cargo II will be accompanied by a publication, which should be seen as a
further manifestation of the project, bringing together all recordings of
the exhibition itself. The publication is based on the grid provided by
Cargo II�s public notices and invitation, translating its concept to the
time-space of a book. Developed by Cargo II�s designers, Coup, and edited by
Barbara Clausen, it is to be issued later this year.

Cargo Series is intitiated by Stichting Kunstwerk Loods 6 and
curated/produced by Suzanne van de Ven. Cargo II is co-curated/co-produced
by Barbara Clausen (freelance curator and writer), Coup (graphic design),
Martijn Jansen (artist and DJ), Germaine Kruip (artist), Bart Majoor
(photographer), Omar Mu�oz-Cremers (sociologist and SciFi-writer) and Bart
Rutten (curator Netherlands Media Art Institute). Special thanks to Hotjam
and Wizz.

To make an appointment for an interview, please contact Suzanne van de Ven
via Stichting Kunstwerk Loods 6 (T: +31.20.4182020, F: +31.20.4181215 or E:
[email protected]). Most participants will be present from October 10 to
install their work.

De Bagagehal - Loods 6, KNSM-laan 289, Amsterdam.

Two days entrance pass to Cargo II: fl. 17,50 incl. catalogue. Performance
programme only on Saturday October 13.

For updates on information please regularly check Cargo�s website at

Cargo Series is supported by De Mondriaan Stichting, Het Amsterdams Fonds
voor de Kunst, and Het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Amsterdam.



Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2001 20:35:51 +0200
From: "galia" <[email protected]>
Subject: Net User conference


NET. USER conference
Presentations - Lectures - Discussions

Time: 23-26 October 2001
Venue: American Center, Sofia, Bulgaria

Net. User is the first international conference in Bulgaria, which explores
the process of collaboration between art, technologies and business in

Net. User will present how net artists, designers, theoreticians,
developers, editors, journalists,  Internet companies and general web users
combine the artistic and the commercial side of Internet projects.

Net User's mission is to initiate collaboration and future partnership
between the artistic, media and business sites and to provoke public
interest in the new media in Bulgaria.

Net. User will bring together the various points of view of participants
from Bulgaria, Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Finland
and Yugoslavia.  They will discuss the aesthetic, social and ecomic issues
of various questions provoked by the global network.

The project is organised by InterSpace Media Art Center, Sofia
( in collaboration with Orbitel Company, Sofia
( and with the support by: Pro Helvetia, American Center,
British Council, Goethe Institute, Embassy of Finland and Royal Dutch
Embassy, Sofia and Lifehouse club.

Recently with the fast IT development in Bulgaria there has been a growing
interest in new media art forms. Many artists, groups and organizations have
created a new art environment in collaboration with highly skilled
programmers, software developers and web-designers. All these factors
contribute to the increase of international interest in Bulgaria as an IT
and Internet country.
Like all cultural initiatives in the last decade, net activism was
influenced by the political changes. It has examined the differences between
"East" and "West" searching for ways to overcome existing discrepancies.
Nowadays the influence of the Net is evident on various levels - political,
economic, cultural. The Internet has established itself as a field for
collaboration between Bulgarian and international art, business and social
The main question now is how to make the presence of the net aesthetic by
means of art and business. The current trend is the search for the
successful collaboration between and bussiness.
In this context, Net. User aims to be a "meeting point" of Eastern and
Western net professionals, which explore and realise in practice the balance
between art and commerce and the net. audience.

Program / Topics:
The conference program includes presentation, lecture and discussions panels
opened to the wide public.
23 october, Tuesday, 11-18:30 - net. art
24 october, Wednesday, 11-18:30 - web design & digital content
25 october, Thursday, 11-18:30 - net ecomony
26 october, Friday, 11-18:00 - media and Internet
Closing party-cocktail - 26 october, friday, Lifehouse club, entrance with
For the full program of the event see:

The web address of the Net User project is Besides
being the official website of the conference, is also the first
site in Bulgaria that combines an e-zine and discussion forums for net. art,
web design, digital content, multimedia and e-commerce.
Everyone who is interested in the Net User subjects is invited to register
as a member in, to post articles and to take part in the
discussions running in the forums.

For more information:
Galina Dimitrova
Project coordinator
Media Art Center Interspace
13B Hadji Dimitar street
1000 Sofia
tel: + (359 2) 989 70 23
[email protected]


Date: Sat, 06 Oct 2001 19:23:41 +0800
From: Fatima Lasay <[email protected]>
Subject: OktoberFest


 From October 1-5, 2001, Digital Media Festival 2001 began presenting 
digital works by various artists from all across the globe, with five 
workstations and two webcams installed in the Corredor Gallery of the 
College of Fine Arts, University of the Philippines. On October 8, 2001 at 
11:00AM (+0800), DMF2001 kicks off a series of Artists Forums, Workshops, 
Demos and Video Screenings, and an exhibition of digital prints and digital 
photographs. The events will be streamed live (RealPlayer required) on the 
Internet through the DMF2001 website at

The October 8 Artists Forums include lectures and presentations on Digital 
Photography by Jim Ayson and Ben Razon. The forum entitled "Photography 
Goes Digital" will introduce the audience to the history, current 
technologies and the future of digital photography in the Philippines. 
Digital photos taken by Jim and Ben will be shown, alongside an exhibition 
of prints of Ben's digital photographs courtesy of FUJIFILM-YKL.

Next is a forum with Al Manrique, a pioneer on digital art in the 
Philippines, who will present early and recent works and his photographs 
from Samar and Polomolok.

Electronic music comes next with a demo by Lionel Zivan Valdellon and a 
talk on how computers can be used to produce music.

October 9 is a day devoted to video. Starting 9:00AM, Singaporean Nisar 
Keshvani will present fineArt forum's 15th Anniversary Travelling Screening 
Programme, a 1-hour programme consisting of digital, multimedia, film works 
(2-5 minutes) by global artists. Nisar's lecture on how a news service can 
aid the cause of the artist accompanies the programme.

The internationally recognized Japanese film and video artist Takahiko 
Iimura, whose CD-ROM of collected works from 1975 to 1998 is presented in 
DMF2001, comes next with a 1-hour programme and forum. Takahiko, 
accompanied by his Art Coordinator Kazuyo Yasuda, also presents prints of 
digital works at the Corredor Gallery.

After the forums, Computer Devices Corp. takes over with a Canopus Workshop 
Demo on Non-Linear Video Editing. The event is free and open to all video 

On October 10 at 9:00AM, College of Saint Benilde-DLSU professor Ronnie 
Millevo will conduct a lecture-demo on Flash followed by a brief forum 
about Opportunities in Flash by

More artists videos will be presented on October 11 and 12, along with the 
Multimedia Art Asia Pacific's video programme curated by Yi Won Kon 
(Korea), Wu Meichun (China) and Experimenta Media Arts (Australia). 
Screening hours are 11:30AM to 2:30PM (Thursday) and 10:00Am to 11:30AM 

DMF2001 is made possible through the generous support of the Office of the 
Chancellor, University of the Philippines-Diliman, the Office of Initiative 
in Culture and the Arts (OICA), and the UP College of Fine Arts, with 
technical support provided by the UP Computer Center and Dilnet. DMF2001 is 
organized by Fatima Lasay, lecturer of digital media at the UP College of 
Fine Arts. 


Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 16:08:52 +0200
From: "Volker Grassmuck" <[email protected]>
Subject: Wizards of OS News

Dear all,

Just one week to go before Wizards of OS 2 begins. Everybody on the team is busy making final arrangements for catering, computing and networking, partying, and all the other things you need to see about in order to provi
de the framework for a dense, creative, comfortable and fun three days. Time to update you on the latest news.

We are happy to confirm that there will be simultaneous translation of German (and one French) presentations into English. At WOS1, the non-German speaking participants were excluded from a significant part of the confere
nce. We learned our lessons and, most of all, we managed to gather the resources to make WOS2 truly internationally accessible.

The panels and the schedule are pretty stable by now. There might be a last-minute addition to a panel or two, and maybe a few small changes in the workshops and tutorials. BTW, if you are thinking of presenting something
 within the context of the WOS, we can still fit in smaller workshops (10-15 people) and BOF sessions.

What's new with the panels?

Erik Moeller's panel "P2P: Collaborative Writing" has had a recent addition: Timothy Lord, editor of Ingo Ruhmann and Werner Roth, on the panel on open source software and content in schools, have been joine
d by Hans-Peter Prenzel, who runs The university panel will have an additional written contribution by Christoph Oehler, Professor Emeritus for sociology and research in higher education at the Gesamthoc
hschule Kassel.

The "Open Source Content Management Systems" panel has veiled itself in secrecy until recently. What Herbert Meyer is now presenting there looks like a serious free CMS summit, the first of its kind, to my knowledge. Not 
only will the seven CMSs deemed most interesting after careful scrutiny be presented on the panel and in individual tutorials, and not only will their representatives discuss different approaches to common design issues i
n a joint workshop, but this track will also be the launch of an even more ambitious project. "Free Online Systems" (FOS) <> will be a demo and evaluation environment for, well, online systems under a fr
ee license. At the WOS2, the FOS team (Thomax Kaulmann, Heiko Recktenwald and Herbert Meyer) will conduct a study of four selected CMSs. They will collect as much multimedia content as they can get their hands on, and pro
cess it four times in parallel to see how the CMSs compare in usage and performance.

On the "Standards" panel, we have been hoping to not only address technical but also classification standards. Therefore we are happy to see the contribution from Susanne Dobratz from the Open Archives Initiative (OAI). "
Open Music" is now being edited by Sascha Koesch from WOS partner De:Bug. It will cover a range of issues from the theory and practice of musical collaboration to copyright and licensing.

"Capitalism and Beyond" has had its name changed to "What Else? Thoughts on Societies and Capitalisms on the Net and Elsewhere." Paschutan Buzari, the moderator of this panel, has brought in a third perspective to be adde
d to those of the GPL society and NAM: Yann Moulier Boutang, economist and editor of the publication "Multitudes" in Paris.

As we learned only yesterday, Brigitte Zypries, Under Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, has been kept so busy by the current security situation that she will not allow be able to speak at WOS. eGov
ernment was one of the most difficult panels to begin with. All the invitations we sent to potential speakers we had hoped to include have not worked out. I don't think it's because governments don't like wizards. Well, o
k, maybe some like them less than others. My guess is that governments are too busy right now with themselves, with fighting terrorism, with elections and the like. Anyway, dropping the eGovernment panel allows us to give
 more space to the panel on Freedom of Information which has been joined by Manfred Redelfs, Head of the Research & Investigations Unit of Greenpeace Germany.

You've probably noticed that a few other people have also disappeared from the list of previously confirmed speakers. Some of the cancellations were due to health and other personal reasons, but some were also indirectly 
linked to the events of September 11. Just as the whole world has been impacted by the attacks in New York and Washington, so, too, has this conference. In particular, the sessions on security and on digital signatures wi
ll address some of the implications for open and anonymous communications and for the information environment as a whole.


The WOS 2 is not all talks and discussions. During the opening reception on Thursday, Matt Fuller will invite everybody to take part in a Human Cellular Automaton. The performance is based on John Conway's Game of Life, w
ith each cell's state depending on those of its neighbors, with patterns changing in every generation. People who participated the two earlier times that Matt organized such an automaton say it's a lot of fun, like a Mexi
can Wave in two-dimensions. So if you're there, we hope you'll join in.

On Friday and Saturday nights, there will be lounge parties organized by WOS partners De:Bug and C-Base. Please visit the specials page on our website for line-up and other information on these.

Another special that I would like to point out is Ganesha's Project. This group of young activists will bring computers, free software and computer literacy to a school in Nepal. They are still looking for donations of co
mputers to take there. So if you have a 133 MHz machine collecting dust in your basement, please do bring it along. <>

CD-ROM Pack, WOS2 Special Edition

And yet another highlight will be the special edition: debian GNU/linux 3.0 (pre) plus. 
This set of 6 CDs contains brand-new versions of Debian GNU/Linux and of Knoppix, 
plus the complete proceedings of WOS1, July 1999, with all the video recordings, as 
well as the manuscripts or transcripts of all presentations and panel discussions.

Thanks for this project go to Frank Ronneburg for the debian release and for mastering 
the whole set, to Klaus Knopper for the fresh release of Knoppix, and to Bernd 
Sommerfeld for publishing it with Fachbuchhandlung Lehmanns. The set will be selling 
for half price during the conference. The savings you'll get might be a reason in itself to 
come to WOS2 ;)

Center for the Public Domain grant for WOS

And, since we're talking money, a word on the funding of WOS. Don't worry, I won't 
bother you with the hair-raising financial ups and downs of the WOS 2, but I do want to 
mention that we are very proud to have received a grant from the Center for the Public 

The Center, formerly known as Red Hat Center, is a philanthropic foundation based in 
Durham, North Carolina, dedicated to the preservation of a healthy and robust public 
domain. Through grants, original research, conferences and collaborative programs, 
the Center seeks to call attention to the importance of the public domain and to spur 
effective, practical solutions and responses. Its work is animated by the conviction that 
new legal regimes, social institutions and transparent technologies must be created to 
fortify the information commons.

In other words, it has basically the same aims as the Wizards of OS. The Center is a 
natural partner for the WOS, and we're very proud to be among the academic and 
activist institutions that Bob Young, James Boyle, John Gilmore, Larry Lessig and the 
others on the board of directors have decided to support. Do browse around this great 
network of activities, and the valuable resources that the Center itself maintains. 

Of course, all of our other sponsors are doing wonderful things as well, and also 
deserve your attention ;)

What to bring?

Your laptop and your wireless card, if you like -- there will be a wave LAN throughout 
the House of World Cultures -- lots of ideas on how to improve and promote open 
culturres and free knowledge and, of course, an open mind.

Live Streaming

We hope to see you all at the WOS2. For those of you who will not be able to make it 
to Berlin, there will be live video streams of at least parts of the panels. Please watch 
the WOS website for announcements of current streams. And for those who will not 
have the time to watch the streams either, the video documentation of all the sessions 
of the two main tracks will be available for on-demand viewing after the conference.

Another way of remotely participating in the conference is via the web forum that 
BUUG (the Berlin Unix User Group) and WOS provides for presenting and discussing 
materials relevant to the WOS mindspace. <>

See you there or on the net



   Wizards of OS 2 -- offene Kulturen & Freies Wissen
   October 11-13, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin



Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 14:49:07 +0200
From: "Iris Hoppe" <[email protected]>
Subject: videophonic soundscape EUROPEALIS - MEETING POINT

/ german see below / ----------------------- 

We invite you to exhibition and concert of the videophonic soundscape 


part of the European TryTone Festival 2001 

Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Paulus Potterstraat 13 

13.0ctober 2001 

Exhibition: 12.00 - 15.00 pm
Concert: 15.00 - 16.00 pm 


co-composed videophonic soundscape 

Stevko Busch, electronics 
Iris Hoppe, video 

Rozalie Hirs, electronics 
Doroth�e Hahne, electronics 

Norbert Scholly, live-electronics 
Kai Wolff, live-electronics 
Patrick Hagen, clarinet 
Tobias Klein, bass clarinet 
Christian Thom�, percussion 
Dieter Manderscheid, double bass 

Seven speakers form a three-dimensional audio environment within a counterpoint of three video screens. Such is the setting of the videophonic soundscape EUROPEALIS - MEETING POINT. 

The co-composition leads you into an acoustic environment of european languages, live-generated electronic and acoustic sounds - surrounded by videosequences of daily encounters between people in various public spaces. The soundscape creates a multilayered field of possible comments on the cultural identities of the protagonists� while the video-installation offers several surfaces to project these comments . 

Europealis -� Meeting Point is the result of co-composition of the artists involved. It presents a sound-image of communicational processes, covering aspects as individual freedom, cultural identity, selfrestriction and the creation of a common structure. 

The flow of sound and video is tuned to a mathematic transformation of the European degrees of latitude projected on a timeline. These timeintervals form the framework of the whole setting. The individual works of the artists integrate into the chosen timestructure and become subordinate to the crossover collaboration, developing a non-linear three-dimensional environment. 


The European Gallery of Tones was founded in 1998 by Stevko Busch. As a pool of autonomous artists it works on the realisation of soundart-exhibitions and concerts of contemporary music. 


/                    / ----------------------- 


Hiermit m�chten wie die Urauff�hrung der Raumklangkomposition


im Rahmen des European TryTone Festival 2001 bekanntgeben 

Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Paulus Potter Straat 13 

13. Oktober 2001

Ausstellung: 12.00 - 15.00 Uhr 
Konzert: 15.00 - 16.00 Uhr 


eine Video-Raum-Klang-Komposition 

Stevko Busch, electronics 
Iris Hoppe, video 

Rozalie Hirs, electronics 
Doroth�e Hahne, electronics 

Norbert Scholly, live-electronics 
Kai Wolff, live-electronics 
Patrick Hagen, clarinet 
Tobias Klein, bass clarinet 
Christian Thom�, percussion 
Dieter Manderscheid, double bass  

Sieben Lautsprecher bilden einen dreidimensionalen Klangraum innerhalb eines Kontrapunkts aus drei Videoprojektionen. Dies ist die Anordnung von EUROPEALIS - MEETING POINT. 

Die Arbeit f�hrt den ZuschauH�rer in eine Klanglandschaft aus europ�ischen Sprachfragmenten, elektronisch generierten und instrumental ausgef�hrten Kl�ngen - umgeben von Bildsequenzen menschlicher Begr��ungen im �ffentlichen Raum. 
Der Klangraum schafft ein vielschichtiges Feld von m�glichen Kommentaren zu den kulturellen Identit�ten der Protagonisten, w�hrend die Bildsequenzen diesen Kommentaren ebenso vielschichtige Projektionsfl�chen bieten. 

Europealis - Meeting Point ist das Ergebnis einer Co-Komposition der ansonsten autonomen K�nstler, und zeichnet hierdurch ein Raum-Klang-Bild kommunikativer Prozesse. F�r das Zusammenwachsen Europas oft genannte Aspekte wie Individuelle Freiheit, Kulturelle Identit�t, Selbstbeschr�nkung und die Gestaltung einer gemeinsamen Form pr�gen dieses Bild. 

Die gemeinsame Basis der Komposition ist die Einteilung der Zeitachse in Proportionen, die sich aus Berechnungen der Verh�ltnisse der Meridiane Europas und des gesamten Erdumfangs ergeben. Anhand dieser Proportionen entstehende Schnittpunkte bilden eine Matrix anhand derer die K�nstler ihre Beitr�ge in gegenseitiger Absprache montieren. Dabei ist w�hrend der Vorbereitung der Austausch von Skizzen und Fragmenten �ber verschiedenste Kommunikationswege Teil des Konzeptes. 


Die Galerie der T�ne wurde 1998 auf Initiative von Stevko Busch gegr�ndet. Als Pool autonomer K�nstler und Musiker widmet sie sich der Realisierung von Ausstellungsbeitr�gen zur Klangkunst sowie Konzerten der zeitgen�ssischen Musik. 

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

IRIS hoppe                                                                                                    European Gallery of Tones 
tel / fax: +31 (0) 20 4193994                                                             

eMail: [email protected]                                                                   tel:       0031 - 20 - 681 81 71 
                                                                                                                       eMail:  [email protected] 


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