Rob Myers on Tue, 17 Jun 2014 14:32:26 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> a free letter to cultural digest [2x]

----- Forwarded message from Rob Myers <[email protected]> -----

From: Rob Myers <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: <nettime> a free letter to cultural institutions
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 19:03:13 +0000
To: [email protected]

Hash: SHA512

[email protected]:
> licensing makes no difference anyway - nazis will use the stuff 
> regardless of licensing.

I do despair at people who don't get this and/or wish to exert more
control over third party use of their work through an alternative
copyright license than they would otherwise be able to.

> The whole licensing paradigm in this market looks more like a
> cargo cult: if I attach some 'free/community/fair' license to my
> stuff maybe the real money will land.

Promotion is a thing.

As is confusing the economics of the recording and visual "artist".



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----- Forwarded message from Rob Myers <[email protected]> -----

From: Rob Myers <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: <nettime> a free letter to cultural institutions
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 20:13:42 +0000
To: [email protected]

Hash: SHA512

Aymeric Mansoux:
> Rob Myers said :
>> Florian Cramer:
>>> If, for example, a punk band would decide that it is not
>>> releasing its recordings under a free license - for which it
>>> might have sound political arguments
>> I'd be very interested to hear why a punk band wouldn't want to 
>> release music under a free license.
> I think that what Florian is hinting is that there is something
> terribly wrong in imposing a certain distribution model and
> copyright practice upon artists.

Florian's a copyright abolitionist? ;-D

> This would put free culture in the same camp as the one they are
> opposing. After all, a lot of free culture supporters have been 
> charmed by the opportunity it gives to get some control back over 
> intellectual property mechanisms that have been already decided for
> them and are hardly mutable (at least not as fast as it takes to
> listen to a good punk song ;)

If we work for reform we're also working to impose a certain model on

> And then, there is of course some practices that just cannot work
> with free culture licenses. Say for instance someone or group
> supporting illegalism or anti-copyright practices releasing
> something under a copyright supporting mechanism like free culture
> licenses, would be rather odd. It does not remove the fact that,
> yes, as sadly proven with all the anti-copyright works made in the
> past that are now copyrighted, the anti-copyright position is a
> difficult one to hold these days, but that does not mean one should
> not be able to turn that into a valid artistic statement either.

Anti-copyright is just copyright. As is post-licensing. Each time a
GitHub user posts about licenses being permission culture, God kills a

I admit I hadn't considered illegal art (despite having made some
myself...). There's also the issue of out-of copyright or
copyright-waived works, although these are open to recapture by
copyright and other measures and I don't find them to be the panacea
that some people I greatly respect do.

But yes the statement would benefit from being updated to reflect
these issues. There's much more to Free Culture than licenses,
although that's no excuse for any project to get them wrong. ;-)

>>> To clarify: At WORM, we have fostered, (co-)hosted and 
>>> co-instigated a whole range of free culture projects, such as
>>> the Hotglue and now SuperGlue web site creation system, the
>>> Libre Graphics Research Unit, the Free?! conference last fall,
>> I attended Free?!, it was excellent.
> Thanks! :D
> There is a draft video edit of the whole evening conference.
> Hopefully, we can put online the final version before the end of
> the year.

Oh cool, I look forward to that.

I do share your wistfulness regarding the state of Free Culture. But
I'm unwilling to turn the lights off just yet.

- - Rob.



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