Nina Temporär on Tue, 16 Apr 2019 01:31:52 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Guardian Live on Assange's arrest

> Am 15.04.2019 um 14:04 schrieb podinski <[email protected]>:
> I was hoping more women might weigh in here... ( with all the possible
> anger flying from the personal life scandal loops ... and there is one
> potent feminist angle that seems more unavoidable than others ... That
> if the US extradition now takes priority over the 7 year brouhaha of
> Sweden's supposed case, then it displays a extra patriarchal
> discrimination, from all those who believed in it, or at least pretended
> to. )

Oh Paolo…seriously? Projecting onto women that solely personal emotions
Are the reason for them to potentially raise their voices? And euphemizing sexist 
Experiences as their own „life scandal loops“? And actually believing women are
Only interested in „women’s topics“ / justice for women in this very ambivalent and
Complex equation that women are very well able to see at least as differentiated 
As men do?

Just a hint, what I have recently heard what women are actually very selflessly
Concerned about was rather

- That sexism and narcissism are still the most underrated security vulnerabilities
- That anyone still trying to ignore that and blame it on the victims instead is actively 
   hurting press freedom and the fight against a surveillance state
- That democracy and the daily fight for restoring it cannot afford men anymore in 
  endangered positions who have only stone age social and gender expertise
- That personality cult results in loss of contact with reality and inability of acceptance 
  of criticism in the hyped person so that the most symbolic person of a movement is
  most likely to become its weakest point
- That it doesn’t take a narcissist to kill a narcissist but just a book of the same name
- That a legal system that enables the abuse of smaller complaints like those about sexist 
  assaults as easy entry for the prosecution of more severe indictable offences is actually 
  hurting women’s rights and the cause for more justice for women, as it has a chilling effect 
  for the decision to call the police when actually needed

Freedom for the whistleblowers, yes.
But NO to „being targeted“ as a new excuse for blatant sexism and victim blaming.

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