announcer on Fri, 24 Apr 1998 20:38:15 +0200 (MET DST)

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<nettime> announcer 031a

NETTIME'S WEEKLY ANNOUNCER - every friday into your inbox
send your PR to [email protected] in time!

1...Convergence...........Call for papers
2...Fred Forest
3...Boston Cyberfest......Call for Proposals
4...der boese tin.t.fax...der exot
[email protected]....<<!R>>.<<UZ>>
6...Steve Compton.........Call for Entries - Exhibition -
                          Queer Arts Resource
7...Christine Treguier....Pour une ecologie des medias
8...Gaston book
[email protected] move
10..Tommaso Tozzi.........Hack-It 98


Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 15:15:40 GMT
From: Convergence <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: CORRECTION! Call for papers

Convergence mails out 3-4 times a year. Mailing list details at bottom.

* * * CALL FOR PAPERS * * *

on the archaeology of new media for the special issue:
* * "Before and After Cinema"* *

CORRECTION:   Submission deadline for this issue is 30 October 1998

For Volume 5, No. 2 of the Journal (1999) we are seeking papers
relating to research projects or case studies on the archaeology of new
media. This special issue is prompted by the question: Is it possible to
analyse and "historicise" the study of digital media in the same way that
cinema scholars and art historians have revised certain teleological
accounts of cinema's evolution?

In particular, we are looking for papers that deal with the possible
parallels that might be drawn between the two areas of research --
cinema and new media:

*  historical accounts of cinema, radio, music, television, video and other
electronic artforms that throw light upon and draw relation to current
developments in the field of new media

*  case studies of corporate and/or aesthetic strategies dealing with the
impact of new technologies on "old" (existing) media

*  theoretical and/or historical articles that deal critically with the
of new media forms, from the 19th century to the present

*  analyses of the convergence of the institutions of cinema with new
formations of media enterprises in the digital age

*  analyses of specific artworks or products in light of the complex
historical, technological and economic forces that influence them

This issue will be guest-edited by Ross Rudesch Harley, lecturer in
Theatre/Film Studies, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

All inquiries about, proposals for articles or completed papers for the
"Before and After Cinema" issue should be sent to:

Ross Rudesch Harley
Theatre/Film Studies
University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052 Australia
tel: 61.2.9385 4867
fax: 61.2.96622335
email: [email protected]

All other editorial inquiries, general proposals and submissions to:
Julia Knight or Alexis Weedon, Editors, Convergence, School of Media
Arts, University of Luton, 75 Castle Street, Luton, LU1 3AJ, United
Kingdom.  Tel: +44 1582 34111, fax: + 44 1582 489014

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Convergence: The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies

Convergence is a paper journal. For further information and details of
back issues see our web site at

The copyright of all articles, papers, reports and reviews published
in Convergence rests with John Libbey Media at the University of Luton
Press.  Any author(s) wishing to have their published text reproduced
elsewhere should seek the necessary permission via the Editors.

Edited by Julia Knight and Alexis Weedon
Department of Media Arts,
University of Luton,
75 Castle Street,
Luton. LU1 3AJ.
Editorial e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +44 1582 489031/489144. Fax: +44 1582 489014.

Subscriptions and samples from John Libbey Media at the above address.
E-mail: [email protected] Tel:+44 1582 743297. Fax: +44 1582 743298.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 21:59:12 +0200 (MET DST)
X-Sender: [email protected] (Unverified)
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: director%[email protected]
From: [email protected] (Fred Forest)
Subject: information for diffusion thank you
X-Mime-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by
id WAA28341
X-Pop-Info: 00002523 00000063
Sender: [email protected]
X-Mime-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id

News release

Buy time to those who need it
An artist has decided to stop the time so that we can live - at last !
Buy time to generate benefits for a charitable organization.

A French artist Fred Forest, a pionneer in technological art and
communication, well known across Europe by his spectacular media feats, is
now diverting the Internet e-trade system in aid of a humanitarian society
upholding the poor children in the Third World countries. Fred Forest, who
had the communication prize at the Sao Paulo Biennal Festival, who
represented France at the Venice Biennal Festival and at Kassel�s
Documenta, had already drawn attention to himself in October 1996 by
creating a world event, selling an unreal digital work, Parcelle/r�seau
(Particle/net), by auction, at H�tel Drouot in Paris, for $14,000
(, and by making a case against the Centre Georges
Pompidou because of refusing to pass on the price of their acquisitions,
contrary to the 1978 French law about the transparency of public accounts
We, who always chase after time and who never have time enough, are from
now on, with Fred Forest the artist, able to buy some on Internet using the
secured Klebox system. This bought time may be used up either immediately,
on the spot, in real time, or at the moment the user considers the best
one. The offered time is sold by seconds, minutes or hours, in aid of Aide
et Action (Aid & Act), a humanitarian society for childness, by direct
removal of your virtual purse. Look at the article, selling time, on
On another hand, Fred Forest, on his own site � J'arr�te le temps � (I stop
the time), proposes on line :
� A SOFRES survey about our links to the time ;
� A free feet checkroom for you to be absolutely immobilized during the
time of the deal ;
� Safety instructions you have to fully respect to prevent any accident ;
� Chronicles from Earth illustrating our relationship with time and money.

fax : 33 1 42 87 97 O8
E.mail : [email protected]

Artiste et Professeur des Universit�s
Titulaire de la Chaire des Sciences de l'Information et la Communication


Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 12:17:07 +0300
To: OTiS/SiTO <[email protected]>
From: [email protected] (Boston Cyberfest) (by way of John Hopkins)
Subject: Call for Proposals

This is a call for proposals from one of the arts organizations
participating in the Boston Cyberarts Festival in May of 1999.

>The New Art Center in Newton (MA, USA) is requesting curatorial proposals for
>a seven week exhibition in itms Main Gallery in conjunction with the Boston
>Cyberarts Festival. Dates of the exhibition are April 2 - May 23, 1999. The
>deadline for submissions of proposals is June 12, 1998.
>Proposals can encompass any artistic endeavor in which computer technology is
>used to expand the artistic possibilities - that is, where the computer and
>it's associated software are an element of the creative process in the same
>way that paint or film have always been used to express an artist's vision.
>Call Pat Kellogg Friedman at the New Art Center in Newton at (617) 964-3424 or
>e-mail: [email protected] for a copy of the guidelines.


Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 12:01:33 +0200
To: [email protected]
From: "der boese tin.t.fax" <[email protected]>
Subject: der exot

der exot

kommunikativ-voyeuristisches gemeinwesen

der exot ist eine mobile, interaktive webcam. ein robot, der per website
( durch die wohngemeinschaft unseres
monochrom-haus-und-hof technikers franky in wien meidling fahren kann. die
schizophrenitaet des dings ist dadurch reguliert, dass ein chat modus
absprache/kommunikation ueber die koordination ermoeglicht.
es ist einfach witzig zu sehen, wie schnell die planlosigkeit der
chatter/fahrer sich kanalisiert; wie sie beginnen sich ein modell des raums
aus exotenperspektive aufzubauen und so eigenartige realitaeten
konstruieren - und eine neue sprache entsteht (zur koordination und
definition der umwelt) ... etwa werden alle wg-bewohner als "2beins"
definiert, objekte werden bestimmte bedeutungen zugewiesen, etc.
aber genaueres wollen wir da noch gar nicht sagen, der "exot" laeuft ja
erst seit ca. zwei wochen. testphase. es gibt ein komisches netscape 4.04
problem (kein automatischer reload des bildes und derlei dinge). aber schau
mal rein. wenn grad offline ist wird der exot gerade von den 2beins
aufgeladen (akku).

allfaellige fragen direkt an [email protected]



Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 01:30:11 +0300
To: [email protected]
From: nettime <[email protected]>
Subject:  <<!R>>.<<UZ>>

The ministry of Culture and Education of Republic of Uzbekistan in
collaboration with Re-Lab Network (( )) presents an
online exhibition of jured and curated netart projects to support and
inspire netart pioneers of Uzbekistan.



   . -  = A for BEGINNING

   - .  = N for NETWORK

Curently there are 10 artists, from seven different countries, showing
their netart skills for all the wondering people.

!R.UZ (( )) is the result of innovation, hard work, and your
input. It represents our commitment to making it easier to access,
communicate, and share information, no matter what kind of computer and
connection rate you have.

You can submit URLs or send htm/html files of specific projects for
consideration (( mailto:[email protected] ))

  Some rules and limitations:
  : NO sound,
  : no Java script,
  : no plugins
  : i/!/.-/-.

You are welcome to participate.You are welcome to participate.
::::::::::::::::::::: ::


From: "Steve Compton" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Please post our Call for Entries
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 09:23:56 -0700
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
X-Msmail-Priority: Normal
Importance: Normal
X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
Status: RO

Call for Entries
Queer Arts Resource juried international Net Art exhibition.  Open to queer
artists with Internet-based work.  Jurors: Aaron Betsky, Curator of
Architecture and Design, SFMOMA, Shu Lea Cheang, installation
artist/filmmaker/cyber homesteader, Amsterdam, Alex Galloway, Rhizome
Internet, New York, Rachel Greene, Rhizome Communications, New York, Ed
Gilbert, Gallery Paule Anglim, San Francisco Robert Atkins, author/critic.
Exhibition: September 1998 online at  No entry
fee.  For prospectus e-mail: [email protected].  Deadline July 1.


Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 00:33:36 +0200
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected] (Christine Treguier)
Subject: Pour une ecologie des medias

For those of you  who might be close to Paris, some news on a very
interesting Festival in Paris starting on april 23rd through the 28, called
For an Ecology of Media  Very good programm of art film & videos, and round
tables put together by two women Maria Klonaris et Katherina Thomadiki.

 Most of it is interesting but of special interest is a round table on
thursday under the same title with Virilio, Arthur & marie Louise Kroker,
Eliane Chiron and Dominique Chateau, another one on saturday  Ecology &
technology with Steina Vasulka, Sandie Stone, Nancy paterson and others.
Some screenings on Gender trouble and Women and autorepresentation, and
another round table on Body & Machines in Cybernetik Era on Sunday

Adress is : Cinema des Cineastes - 7 avenue de Clichy 75017 PARIS
Sorry no web !

Some news  about my own activities : I'am now involved in a new french
company calles Sim Team, which is going to develop apps and evenmential in
virtual reality and interactive simulation. It is based in Paris, and I'll
be in charge of prospecting the "cultural" market, that is museums,
festivals, heritage stuff, marketing events etc...

That's all for today

Yours virtually



>From [email protected] Sat Apr 18 07:15:37 1998
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 09:12:52 +0200
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
X-Sender: [email protected] (Unverified)
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.2 (16)
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Gaston Roberge <[email protected]>
Subject: new book
X-POP-Info: 00002276 00000062
Status: RO

Dear Friend
Permit me to introduce my new book
>from morosity to hope
Available at
76 Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road
Calcutta, 700 016

Price including postage: in India 285 Indian Rupees
			       outside India 335 Indian Rupees
Pay by cheque made to �Chitrabani Society�
(1 US $ = 40 Indian Rupees)

What they say:
"A unique document on the cinema and the world of the media from the point
of view of the South." Pierre B�langer, Secretary General (elect), UNDA.

"Roberge speaks with images and puts the image in the service of his heart.
A refined book, a book of reflection and salt." Pierre Babin, CREC AVEX.

About the book:

The book has three interrelated parts. Parts One and Two probe various
aspects of communication and cinema, respectively, in the context of
so-called development.  Part Three exemplifies the arguments of Parts One
and Two through analysis of a few films, author films and popular films,
>from India, Bangladesh and the USA.

Cinema plays a vital role in the life of our people. Indian movie stars
shine both on the silver screen and in golden politics, and the Indian
masses enter the films they watch to step out the other side of the screen
into their reality, programmed, as it were, by the dreams which the films
gave them. There is need for a serious reflection on the link between
communication, cinema and development.

Development is seen in this book as an international project that has little
to offer to those most in need. After over forty years of development, on
the ever of the year 2000, there are more jobless, poor, sick, and homeless
thane ever before.  These are the facts, indeed the people, that confront
us. We must see the limitations of development and create new, much more
radical projects.  For that we need a lot of hope. This book seeks to arouse
hope in the midst an awareness of our failures. After all, hope can have no
other context.
Gaston Roberge SJ
Executive Secretary (JESCOM)
Secretariat for Social Communication
Society of Jesus

Borgo Santo Spirito 4
CP 6139
00195 Roma, Prati, ITALIA
tel: +39 6 689 77 285
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
fax: +39 6 687 9283


From: [email protected]
X-Sender: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 21:50:05
To: [email protected]
Subject: new move
Mime-Version: 1.0

I�m pleased to be able to tell you that I am able to move my class to the
Bishopsgate Institute. The class will start from the 23rd  April.
The Bishopsgate Institute, is at number 230 Bishopsgate, left out of
Liverpool St, station and almost opposite. Please ask at the reception for
the location of the room for our class in the building.
I�ve made some minor changes to the prices of the class [see below] and as
the room is bigger and more people come I should be able to offer more

one class 				�6:00

five classes [to be used 		�24:00	[save  �6:00]
any time within 2 months]			[�4:80/class]
five consecutive classes		�21:50	[save  �8:50]

As before old prices are available by adopting a discount sceem to suit you!
Please tell your friends

best regards

john hayward


X-Sender:  (Unverified)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 20:40:02 +0000
To: [email protected]
From: Matthew Fuller <[email protected]>
Subject: Hack-It 98 announcement
Status: RO

                             Hack-It 98
                     Frequently Asked Questions

                      ver. 0.1 - March, 25 1998

This document contains some answers to the most frequently asked
questions about Hack-IT 98.=20



Getting Started
    What is Hack-IT 98?
    How much?
Computers and other tools
   Will we have an Internet connection?   =20
   Will we have a LAN?
   Will I have computers to work on?
   Can I bring my own computer?
   What else will I need?
   May I bring various electronic equipment?
   Where to sleep
   Where to eat
   How to get there
Programme (in progress)
Getting started

What is Hack-IT 98?
Hack-IT 98 cannot be defined in one way only. It is an open-air
festival, a meeting, a hacking party, a pause for reflection, an
occasion of public learning, an act of rebellion and an exchange of
ideas, experiences, dreams, utopias and love.
What characterises Hack-IT 98 is our wish to live these three days
completely self-organised basing ourselves on our needs. Hack-IT 98 is a
SELF-ORGANISED event: there are neither organisers nor users, but only

In Italy, in a squat in Florence named C.P.A. (Centro Popolare
Autogestito, Popular Self-Organised Centre), Viale Giannotti 79,
Florence. Tel and Fax ++ 39 55 6580151

On Friday 5th, Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th of June, 1998. If you wish
and if you have time, you can join Hack-IT 98 several days before the
starting date, in order to help organise the event, install the LAN and
do whatever might be useful.

How you wish! The C.P.A. offers a large area where you can pleasantly
spend your days and nights during  the meeting. There will be a
self-organised camping site, so bring your tent and everything you might

How much?
Do you have to pay to participate to Hack-IT 98? Of course not.=20
Hack-IT 98 is a no-profit event and nobody will make money out of it.=20
In order to cover expenses we will organise a few concerts and other
social events; to attend these a small fare will be requested.
In the eventuality that the expenses should be too high, a small
subscription fee will be requested to all participants.


Computers and other tools

Will we have an Internet connection?
The answer is almost certainly "yes". Although during Hack-IT 98 people
are not meant to work on computers or to navigate on the net, we believe
it is important to be connected at all times.
We cannot guarantee the quality of the connection (probably some ISDN
lines) but we hope to give you more information asap.

Will we have a LAN?
Yes! For the LAN question also, we cannot provide you with further
technical details as everything is still in progress. Most probably the
LAN will be based on TCP/IP.

Will I have computers to work on?
The answer doesn't depend on us. We can guarantee connectivity and the
LAN, but have no idea of how many computers will be available. Bring
your own computer (laptop or not!), your ethernet adapter, your hubs and
so on. The LAN will be in continual progress!
So please read these FAQ as often as you can, as the information will be
continually updated.

Can I bring my own computer?
Of course! It would be an excellent idea if everyone interested in using
a computer during Hack-IT 98 brings his own.
Sheltered tables and rooms will be available.

What else do I need?
If you want to connect your computer to the LAN and to the net, you will
surely need a LAN Adapter. If you don't have one, you can buy one for
about 30$ in any computer shop. If you want to connect your laptop or
your non-IBM computer, you will have to spend a little more.

May I bring various electronic equipment?
Of course! You can bring whatever you want: radios, pagers,
radioscanners, toasters etc. etc. The more you bring with you, the more
Hack-IT 98 will be fun :-)



Where to sleep
If you want to live the true atmosphere of Hack-IT 98, the C.P.A. offers
a large area where you can place your tent or sleeping bag.
A tent is not necessary but useful, both for your comfort and your
privacy during the event.
Unfortunately we are in a metropolitan area, so do not expect lawns and
greenery. We will have to sleep on the hard cement! An inflatable
matress will allow you to go back home without a stiff neck!
If all this is just too much, you can book a hotel, but it will cost you
a lot more... A list of hotels will be posted later.

Where to eat
The C.P.A. is known for its good Italian cooking and good-looking cooks!
You can eat well at the C.P.A. without spending a fortune. Special
attention will be given to Vegetarians and Vegans. If you don't want to
eat at the C.P.A., there are many restaurants, pizzerias, supermarkets
and shops of every kind in the neighbourhood.

WCs and showers will be installed for the event.

How to get there
Florence is - we think - a well-known place. The best way to reach it is
by train, plane, bus or car (but not by boat!). Detailed information on
how to reach the C.P.A. will be given later.


Programme (in progress)

-- Courses in basic network technology --
For people with average skills in computer usage.=20
The course will teach how to use the basic services offered by the most
popular networks.
The course will probably be open to a limited number of participants.
Information on pre-registration will be given later.

-- Cryptography and anonimity on the networks --
For people with an average knowledge of network technology.
The course wishes to show how to defend your privacy by using several
techniques (cryptography, steganography, PGP, anonymous remailers etc).
The course will probably be open to a limited number of participants.
Information on pre-registration will be given later.

-- Workshops --
The backbone of Hack-IT 98 will be a series of self-organised workshops.
Everybody can propose and carry out his own workshop. All we ask is that
you inform us as soon as you can what your ideas and proposals are. A
reminder: most of Hack-IT 98 will be in Italian=85
Here are few proposals for possible workshops:

- Knowledge within the Net (by Ferry Byte)
Knowledge as an instrument of self-defence. Is cryptography just a way
of protecting privacy, or also a way of protecting copyright? Distance
learning and distance working in Italy - the exchange of knowledge
through the net. Guest speakers are: Net Diver, Tommaso Tozzi, Arturo di
Corinto, The Walrus, Raf Valvola, Zero BBS, Stefano Lotti, Anna Carola

- History of information technology (by Renato Pii)

- Packet Radio and wireless digital transmissions (by Andrea Bov)


You can join the mailing list [email protected]. Send a message at
[email protected] writing in the body field  'subscribe hackmeeting'

News on Hack-IT 98 and these FAQ are at the URL:
These FAQ are periodically updated and posted in several mailing lists
and newsgroups.

If you wish to participate to Hack-IT 98 or if you want propose a
workshop or if you want to give a helping hand in organising, join the
mailing list [email protected] or send a message to [email protected]

For any further information, send a message to [email protected]


Some of partecipants to Hack It 98:

   * Strano Network
   * Eva Luna [email protected]
   * T.H.E. Walrus [email protected]
   * Ferry Byte
   * Isole Nella Rete
   * Tactical Media Crew
   * Tommaso Tozzi
   * luc pac [email protected]
   * Decoder
   * Gomma [email protected]
   * uvLSI [email protected]
   * Helena Velena
   * Settore Cyberpunk
   * Free Waves
   * Zero! BBS
   * Fausto Saporito [email protected]
   * Leandro Noferini [email protected]
   * Asbesto Molesto [email protected]
   * Zeus Kissakie' [email protected]
   * Putro
   * maurizio marini [maumar] [email protected]
   * Arclele [email protected]
   * Bilal [email protected]
   * Radio Blackout
   * marta mackenzie [email protected]
   * Ken Falco [email protected]
   * Renato Pii
   * Anna Caroli Freschi
   * Luther Blissett
   * Canale #cyberpunk Undernet
   * Centro Popolare Autogestito
   * Igor Tosolini [email protected]
   * Graffio,, AVaNa
   * the TiG staff [email protected]
   * Black Berry (CSOA Isola Verona) [email protected]
   * Rusty [email protected]
   * kDRAg [email protected]
   * Net Diver [email protected]
   * Silvia Boschero [email protected]
   * Hell Voyager (nonsense pages)
   * gato (Infosfera Bari)[email protected]
   * TeRMiNAL.c [email protected]
   * Digital Skull BBS
   * NitroPro
   * atzorman [email protected]
   * Vittore Baroni (AAA Edizioni)
   * Collettivo Il Porto
   * obiez [email protected]

Tommaso Tozzi
Via XXIV Maggio 14
50129 Firenze Italy
Phone/Fax: +39-55-485996
1 e-mail: [email protected]
2 e-mail: [email protected]
VTTV BBS: +39-55-485997

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