announcer on Fri, 24 Apr 1998 20:51:19 +0200 (MET DST)

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<nettime> announcer 031b

NETTIME'S WEEKLY ANNOUNCER - every friday into your inbox
send your PR to [email protected] in time!

1.........................Grassroots News and Media Conference
2...Oliver Marchart.......Cultural Spamming
3...Rasa Smite............ACOUSTIC.SPACE
4...Flexbase..............Neo Shamanism @ ICC
5...Adam Weshaupt IX......Happyclown: Conrad Black fights for
                          Space Alien Readership
6...Frederick Noronha.....Newspaper email addresses
7...Lev Manovich..........COMPUTING CULTURE Symposium, UCS,. May1-2


From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 14:17:09 +0200 (MET DST)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Invitation to the Grassroots News and Media Conference
Mime-Version: 1.0
Status: RO

We at the Grassroots News Network are working on organizing the 1st annual
Grassroots News and Media Conference & Culture Jam, June 19, 20, & 21st
1998 in Austin, Texas. The Grassroots News Network is a coalition of 33
community oriented media groups including licensed, non-licensed and
pirate radio stations, media groups from around the world including film
and print media, and over 100 non-affiliated individuals as contributing
members working collectively for the creation and stability of
non-corporate, non-profit media.

The Grassroots News Network was formed by grassroots broadcasters, free
radio journalists and cyber-activists as a response to the barriers put
forth by government and corporate entities Our goal is to support and
expand the movement for democratic communications worldwide without
regards to barriers imposed on us by any government or corporate body. We
exist to be an alternative to the corporate and government media which do
not serve struggles for liberty, justice and peace, nor enable the free
expression of creativity. .

The idea of the Grassroots News and Media Conference & Culture Jam is for
the people involved in community oriented media to meet face to face,
share information, train people in community broadcasting, and create a
collective, public response to the FCC's raids on micro-broadcast stations
and the current situation at Pacifica, and other struggles, and form a
structure to help each other out. We currently have over 30 workshops and
over 10 presentations regarding alternative free media.

Attendees and speakers for this event include Stephen Dunifer who recently
went head to head with the FCC, members of the Zapatista Front in Chiapas
and Black Liberation Radio, Maquiladora workers who are organizing
independent unions, members of FreePacifica, as well as individuals coming
in from as far away as Mainland China, Australia, Ireland, Spain, and

The GN&MC will be held in a different city every year. Some ideas are that
micro-broadcasters can collectively set up a non-licensed radio station in
each city in communities that are underserved by mainstream media, we can
help build and empower communities by offering workshops and on-hands
training, and create more sound structures for alternative, non-corporate
media. Every year we would be helping a different city and the communities

The Culture Jam includes several live performances, spoken word sessions,
the Grassroots Film and Video Festival, bands like members of the Butthole
Surfers, a benefit for KOOP radio and KAZI radio, a fundraiser for the
Zapatistas, a Mural Brigade to paint murals in community spaces, and an
evening of Hip Hop and Jazz,

We are expecting between 350 to 400 people to attend. Everything will be
totally free of charge except for a donated registration fee of $20
regular and $5 hardship which will go to cover expenses. Food and housing
have been donated for this event. Whatever money is left after expenses
are paid will be donated to the micro radio defense fund. We are building
this conference totally on donations from people in the communities.

*****Please RSVP no later than May 1st (MayDay) and let us know how many
people will be attending, housing needs, and if you would be willing to
conduct a workshop or would like to give a presentation.

Comrade Odekirk
Grassroots News Network
Austin, Texas
[email protected]
Website updated 4-17-98


Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 17:23:59 +0200
From: Oliver Marchart <[email protected]>
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: [email protected]
Subject: Cultural Spamming
X-Pop-Info: 00001601 00000047
Sender: [email protected]
X-Mime-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id

CULTURAL SPAMMING: Literaturhinweis in eigener Sache

Ein weiterer Schritt voran in der Kanonisierung von Netzkritik:
gerade erschienen:

Oliver Marchart
Medienguerilla - Netzkritik - Technopolitik

edition selene, Wien 1998
ISBN: 3-85266-065-3
106 Seiten, OeS 146/DM 20

Grobe Inhaltsangabe:
Teil 1: Die organische Ideologie des Cyberspace (Standort Mitteleuropa):
�ber digitale Mitteleuropaer, die Ars Electronica, Schwachsinn und
Medienkunst, Netzzensur und die MircoSoft Hate Page, le flaneur digital
und den elektronischen Urbanismus, Interaktion und MTV, Eugenik als
schoene Kunst betrachtet, das Wiener electronic music-Wunder according
to Alois Huber, sowie Betrachtungen zu Cyberspace als Toyspace.

Teil II: Techno-Politik: Eine Kritik an Medien-Subversion, -Guerilla,
-Sabotage, -Stoerung, -Dissidenz, -Piraterie, -Hijacking,
Medien-Deleuzianismus und der elektronischen Befreiungstheologie, ein
Gespraech mit Pit Schultz ueber Netzkritik, UNIX und Hakim Bey, sowie
eine Diskussion zur Medienguerilla zwischen Oliver Marchart, Katja
Diefenbach, Geert Lovink, Isabelle Graw, Stephan Geene, Florian Zeyfang
und Pit Schultz.

Rezensions- oder andere Exemplare sind ueber den Verlag edition selene
(Wien) erhaeltlich:
[email protected]

"1. Politisch fest und richtig orientiert; 2. bei der Arbeit sorgf�ltig
und bescheiden; 3. in Strategie und Taktik beweglich."

Oliver Marchart
Loeschenkohlg. 30-32/6/12
A - 1150 Vienna
tel/fax: 0043 1 983 82 69


Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 22:19:23 +0300
From: Rasa Smite <[email protected]>

	"..Acoustic spaces can create different subjectivities; they open
	possibilities and potentials--particularly on an aesthetic and
	informational	levels--that can help us feel our way through the
	spaces we are opening up and moving into.
	.. By pushing the boundaries of electro-acoustic environments, of
	cyberspace, we can maintain a line into the open spaces of the
		/Erik Davis, Riga, Nov1997

Net audio printed issue ACOUSTIC.SPACE is OUT!


# INTROduction - net audio network, Xchange mailinglist and 'about HOWs and
WHATs to transmit via internet'
# TEXTS - about 'acoustic.cyberspace' (by Erik Davis), pop-music &
rroma-dub (by Molnar Daniel), net, 'radio' and physical space (interviews
by Josephine Bosma), 'sovereign media' (by Geert Lovink/Adilkno), net audio
experiments, radio and sound-art (texts by Zina Kaye, Alise Tifentale,
Monika Glahn & Ulf Freyhoff, Borut Savski, Rachel Baker, MA Breeze, and
# "XCHANGE on-air session" festival in Riga (November, 1997)
# media art & alternative music scene in LATVIA
# NET.RADIO live streams and URLs

Published by E-LAB (Riga, Latvia) & Xchange network
Editors: Rasa Smite <[email protected]>, Raitis Smits <[email protected]>
Design: Martins Ratniks <[email protected]>

Contact: [email protected]
E-LAB, 11.Novembra Krastmala 35-94, Riga, LV 1050, Latvia.
T. 371-7210297
F: 371-7830518

PRICE: you can get them for FREE or to pay $5 (if you want to sell them or
would like to support us)
PLEASE SEND YOUR POSTAL ADDRESS and how many magazines you would like to get
to [email protected] or [email protected]

More information about the magazine, contents, how and where to get it, how
to contribute texts for next issue - will be available soon at

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
ACOUSTIC.SPACE is printed issue (104 pages, 1000 copies),
2-languages (english+latvian). First issue published in April, 1998 by
E-LAB /Riga, Latvia/. The magazine will be released once or twice a year by
Xchange net audio network, intended - in 2 or multi- languages (e.g.
english+slovenian, english+hungarian and/or english+german, etc.).
'' issue will be distributed all over the Europe and world-wide.


From: [email protected] (Flexbase)
Subject:  Neo Shamanism @ ICC

Hope you'll have a chance to experience the InterActive Video
Installation NEO SHAMANISM by Imaginary Museum Projects Amsterdam
(Tjebbe van Tijen and Fred Gales) from the Netherlands.

>From April 24th - June 21, 1998 at

NTT InterCommunication Center (ICC) 1st anniversary exhibition

Gallery A, Gallery D, Theater, Tokyo Opera city Tower 4F, 3-20-2
Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-1404, Japan (a minute walk from
Hastudai Station on the Keio New Line) Tel: 0120-144 199

"Portable Sacred Grounds" 	Telepresence World

Sound Production by Maaike Boots, Amsterdam - with cooperation of
Yoshiko Ieki, Machiko Koseki, Yata Matsuzaki, Yukiko Maya, Masumi
Nagasawa, Ryukai Nakamura, Yuichi Nara, Noriko Nishijima, Hiroko Nogaki,
Norio Oya, Reiko Suzuki, Hiromi Tojo

N.B. Check the website:


From: Adam Weshaupt IX <[email protected]>
Subject: Happyclown: Conrad Black fights for Space Alien Readership.
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 19:14:21 GMT

Hello Global Neighbours!

Find out about how Happyclown of the Month, Conrad Black, is fighting
tooth and nail to lock up extraterrestrial readership!


See you there!


           Dmytri Kleiner <[email protected]>


Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 00:42:55 +0500
To: [email protected]
From: FREDERICK NORONHA <[email protected]>
Subject: Newspaper email addresses

Dear Net-Timers: This letter is from an Indian journalist, and is being
regarding the Third World Network Features. TWN Features, as it is called,
is a well-received package of articles (three per week) presenting a
Southern perspective on global issues.
We have recently launched an e-mail version of the features, which is
available to interested newspapers and individual at special rates. It
would be really appreciated if NETTIMEers could send us any email addresses
of newspapers (alternative ones preferably, though TWN is also picked up by
mainstream papers in the Third World) so that we could get in touch with
them to offer our package.
Many thanks in advance.
Frederick <[email protected]>


From: [email protected] (Lev Manovich)
Subject: COMPUTING CULTURE Symposium, UCS,. May1-2
X-POP-Info: 00007536 00000167
Sender: [email protected]

The Visual Arts Department, University of California, San Diego presents:

the Symposium

Friday, May 1 and Saturday, May 2
Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA)
Address: 408 University Center (off of Russel Lane),  UCSD campus
CRCA phone number 619-534-4383

The symposium will explore new conceptual categories appropriate for
analyzing computer culture and its objects focusing on four categories:
database, interface, spatialisation, and navigation. We will interrogate
these categories and use them to map out two key genres of computer
culture:  the multimedia database and navigable space.

        SHELDON BROWN (UC San Diego)
        ADRIENE JENIK (UC San Diego)
        MARSHA KINDER (Univeristy of Southern California)
        NORMAN KLEIN (California Institute of the Arts)
        PETER LUNENFELD (Art Center College of Design)
        STEPHEN MAMBER (UC Los Angeles)
        LEV MANOVICH (UC San Diego)
        MARGARET MORSE (UC Santa Cruz)
        MARCOS NOVAK (UC Los Angeles)
        VIVIAN SOBCHACK (UC Los Angeles)
        VICTORIA VESNA (UC Santa Barbara)
        FABIAN WAGMISTER (UC Los Angeles)
        JOHN WELCHMAN (UC San Diego).


New media requires a new critical language -- to describe it, to analyze it
and to teach it. Where shall this language come from? We can't go on simply
using technical terms such as "a web site" to refer to works radically
different from each other in intention and form. At the same time,
traditional cultural concepts and forms prove to be inadequate as well.
Image and viewer, narrative and montage, illusion and representation, space
and time -- everything needs to be re-defined again.

The goal of our symposium is to explore new conceptual categories
appropriate for analyzing computer culture and its objects. We focus on
of these categories provides a different lens through which to inquire
about the emerging logic, grammar and poetics of new media; each brings
with it a set of different questions.

DATABASE. After the novel and later cinema privileged narrative as the key
form of cultural expression of the modern age, the computer age brings with
it a new  form -- database. What are the origins, ideology and possible
aesthetics of a database? How can we negotiate between a narrative and a
database? Why is database imagination taking over at the end of the 20th

INTERFACE. In contrast to a film which is projected upon a blank screen and
a painting which begins with a white surface,  new media objects always
exist within a larger context of a human-computer interface. How does a
user's familiarity with the computer's interface structure the reception of
new media art? Where does interface end and the "content" begin?

SPATIALISATION. The overall trend of computer culture is to spatialise all
representations and experiences. The library is replaced by cyberspace;
narrative is equated with traveling through space ("Myst"); all kinds of
data are rendered in three dimensions through computer visualization. Why
is space being privileged? Shall we try to oppose this spatialisation
(i.e., what about time in new media)? What are the different kinds of
spaces possible in new media?

NAVIGATION. We no longer only look at images or read texts; instead, we
navigate through new media spaces. How can we relate the concept of
navigation to more traditional categories such as viewing, reading, and
identifying? In what ways do current popular navigation strategies reflect
military origins of computer imaging technology? How do we de-militarize
our interaction with a computer? How can we describe the person doing the
navigation beyond the familiar metaphors of "user" and "flaneur"?

During the symposium we will interrogate these categories and use them to
map out two key genres of computer culture. That is, creating works in new
media can be understood as either constructing the right interface to a
multimedia database or as defining navigation methods through spatialised

Why does computer culture privilege these genres over other possibilities?
We may associate the first genre with work (post-industrial labor of
information processing) and the second with leisure and fun (computer
games), yet this very distinction is no longer valid in computer culture.
Increasingly, the same metaphors and interfaces are used at work and at
home, for business and for entertainment. For instance, the user navigates
through a virtual space both to work and to play, whether analyzing
financial data or killing enemies in "Doom."

To articulate the critical language of new media we need to correlate older
cultural/theoretical concepts and the concepts which describe the
organization/operation of a digital computer.  INTERFACE, DATABASE,
NAVIGATION and SPATIALISATION: are these the categories that bridge the gap
between more traditional genres and the evolving forms of new media? Join
us as we interrogate the logic of computing culture.

-- Lev Manovich


Friday, May 1

7:30 pm Opening Party @ CRCA (Music, food and drink)
Featuring a selection of computer games, animations and video clips which
suggests new interface and navigation strategies for new media. Protected
by etoy <>.

Saturday, May 2

10:00 am        Symposium welcome and introduction: Lev Manovich

10:15 am - 12:15 pm     Session 1: DATABASE/INTERFACE
Introduction: John Welchman
Presenters: Vivian Sobchack, Fabian Wagmister, Victoria
Vesna, Stephen Mamber, Marsha Kinder.

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm               Session 2: NAVIGATION/SPATIALISATION
Introduction: Adriene Jenik
Presenters: Marcos Novak, Sheldon Brown, Margaret
Morse, Norman Klein, Peter Lunenfeld.

4:00 pm Closing remarks, refreshments to follow



        Grahame Weinbren, March 13, 7:00 pm
        Shu Lea Cheang, April 6, 3:00 pm
        Bit Plane (Natalie Jeremijenko and Kate Rich), May 13, Time: TBA

All events are free and open to the public.
Computing Culture events are organized by the New Media Visitors Committee
of the Department of Visual Arts. Chair: Lev Manovich. Members:  Sheldon
Brown, Adriene Jenik, Rachel Mayeri, John Welchman.
Events Coordinator:  Laura Nix

Visual Arts Department (0327), UC San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla,
CA 92093-0327.        Phone: 619-534-2860

Computing Culture Lecture Series
Computing Culture: Defining New Media Genres, the symposium

Dr. Lev Manovich
p: 619-822-1012    f: 619-534-8651
address: Visual Arts Department, 0327,
9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0327 U.S.A.

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