Marie-Jose Klaver on Tue, 26 Jan 1999 13:22:24 +0100 (CET)

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nettime-nl: urgent - wanted: new media professor for vienna

From: luzius bernhard <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

The university of applied arts in vienna is urgently looking for a
professor for their new media/ visual media department. 

Important: deadline for entry is 31st of january 1999. But a fax to the
department for human ressources (+43 1 711 33 222) will do it. If you are
interested, please fax a short note that you apply, that you will send
curriculum and publications later on and include your name, address,
tel/fax and email. If you send your application by mail the date on the
postal stamp counts. The process of evaluation will consume at least a
couple of months. After that a commitee (3profs/2assistants/2students)
will decide wheter they want a lecture or an interview/hearing. then they
vote for their 3 top-candidates. either the director of the school or the
minister for education will finally decide who gets the job. Lobbying
through students, assistenst and professors and other influencal people is
possible and my intention, but that will be the next step and has to be

prof. peter weibel was head of the class for the last years... but he
leaves for karlsruhe (ZKM/ with a 5 year contract. therefore
this job is offered with a 5 year contract.

benefit: you get your own class (called MEISTERKLASSE), assistants, 40-50
students, your own room and secretary, media-labs and the very fine name
of the university of applied arts.  your colleagues (profs) will be
internationally known artits, architects and designers. you will nominate
5-10 new students every year. and last but not least vienna is a highly
interesting city... between east and west, north and south... a melting

It is our intention is to spread the word and to find a person who is
capable, has a good name, is young and very energetic and enthusiastic to
educate and work with these mostly talented students.

thanks for applying or forwarding this application to possible candidates
(or topic related mailinglists) ! for questions and feedback, please
contact: [email protected]

we don't need a lot, but we need a good professor !!!

<contac t> cand. luzius bern.HARD MP
			griechengasse 9/14
			a-1010 vienna / austria

	+43 676 528 54 94
	[email protected]

<slogan> if you don't get help from me, please get help somewhere !  

------------------english version----------------------------

communiactions, the position of a guestprofessor with a following contract
professorship. Regular professor Peter WEIBEL, director of the Department
for visual communication will be off for Karlsruhe (ZKM) until december
2003. The guestprofessorship would start with the summer semester (march
99), the following contract professorship would begin with the 1. October
2000 and end june 2003.

Fields of development and instruction:
- hybridisazition of the media: photographie, film, video, computer
- syntax and semiotics of media
- theorie of media developement
- history of media art

In connection with these fields of instruction, basic theoretical
knowledge from the fiels of theory of perception, coding languages,
computer architecture, virtual realities, interactive installations and
net projections should be communicated.

Qualified applicants should send their specific application (curriculum,
publications, etc.) until the 31st of january 1999 to: Personalabteilung
der Universitaet fuer angewandte Kunst Wien, Oskar Kokoschka-Platz 2, 1010

The university of applied arts vienna whishes to find women for leading
positions and in the scientific and artistic field. Therefore with
applications from the same quality, the women will be prefered.

The applicants can not claim any travel or stay expenses for the
application process.

OSKAR KOKOSCHKA-PLATZ 2 . 1010 WIEN . TEL. 71133/205-208 . FAX 71133/222
email: [email protected]   .   email:
[email protected]

------------------german version-------------------------------

Kommunikation gelangt fuer die Dauer der Karenz des Leiters der
Meisterklasse fuer visuelle Mediengestaltung, o. HSProf. Peter WEIBEL,
d.i. bis 31. Dezember 2003, die interimistische Leitung dieser
Meisterklasse ab Sommersemester 1999 zur Besetzung. Die Besetzung erfolgt
zunaechst als Gastprofessur und voraussichtlich ab 1. Oktober 2000 als

Zu den Lehrgebieten und Entwicklungsbereichen gehoeren: 
- Hybridisierung der Medien Photographie, Film, Video, Computer
- Syntax und Semiotik der Medien
- Theorien der Medienentwicklung
- Geschichte der Medienkuenste

In Verbindung mit diesen Lehrgebieten soll grundlagentheoretisches Wissen
in den Bereichen Wahrnehmungstheorie, Programmiersprachen,
Rechnerarchitekturen, virtuelle Realitaeten, interaktive Installationen
und Netzprojektionen vermittelt werden.

Qualifizierte Interessent/iinnen richten ihre Bewerbungen mit umfassenden
Unterlagen (ausfuehrlicher Lebenslauf, Publikationsnachweise, etc.) bis
31. Januar 1999 an die Personalabteilung der Universitaet fuer angewandte
Kunst Wien, Oskar Kokoschka-Platz 2, 1010 Wien.

Die Universitaet fuer angewandte Kunst Wien strebt eine Erhoehung des
Frauenanteils insbesondere in Leitungsfunktionen und beim
wissenschaftlichen bzw. kuenstlerischen Personal an und fordert deshalb
qualifizierte Frauen ausdruecklich zur Bewerbung auf. Frauen werden bei
gleicher Qualifikation vorrangig aufgenommen.  Die BewerberInnen haben
keinen Anspruch auf Abgeltung von Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten, die aus
Anlass des Aufnahmeverfahrens entstanden sind.

OSKAR KOKOSCHKA-PLATZ 2 . 1010 WIEN . TEL. 71133/205-208 . FAX 71133/222
email: [email protected]/[email protected]

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