Florian LIBER on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 06:45:03 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] CANDID MYTHICA - The 10th Anniversary


CANDID MYTHICA dance-theatre celebrates  The 10th Anniversary, on November 25th, 2007 
Candid Mythica (1997-2001) was a Romanian-renowned cultural organization led by founders Florian Liber & Cristiana Barna (Liber). This experimental theatre was dedicated to initiating students into the artistic process through the medium of dance, theatre, new media, visual arts and fashion design. (Timisoara - Arad, Romania and Gifu, Japan)
The first performance, named Clear-obscure, has been a composer collective dedicated to an archaic ritual offered to the earth gods. According to critic Ioana Lupu, on December 1997, “It is about a special kind of play, as it presents a major change to the production we were accustomed, and it is difficult to define using the classic cannons.” For more details, hook-up to http://www.candidmythica.blogspot.com 
Florian Liber, visual and new media artist based on Montreal
B.A. in Fine Arts
M.Sc. in Media Communications
Cristiana Barna Liber, senior fashion designer based on Montreal 
B.A. in Fashion Design
References:  http://www.culture.ro/pages/candid/indexeng.html  (1999-2005, Web site unavailable) 
Press Book: ProTv Arad, TVA, Radio Romania Actualitati, Dialog Textil, Privirea, Agenda de Timisoara, Adevarul de Arad, Jelen, Tempo Teatru, Timisoara

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