PAVILION [contemporary art & culture magazine] on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 09:45:03 +0100 (CET)
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[Nettime-ro] reminder: Bucharest Biennale (parallel event)
- To: Nettime-Ro <[email protected]>
- Subject: [Nettime-ro] reminder: Bucharest Biennale (parallel event)
- From: PAVILION [contemporary art & culture magazine] <[email protected]>
- Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 07:34:04 +0200
- Reply-to: Romenian Nettime list <[email protected]>
BUCHAREST BIENNALE 3 (parallel event)
proudly sponsored by Pilsner Urquell
/for english scroll down
Prelegere de Adrian Majuru
Miercuri 21 Noiembrie 2007, orele 18.30
Centrul National al Dansului, BucurestiÂ
Bd. Nicolae Balcescu, nr. 2
(TNB etaj 4, Sala Ronda)
Istoria cartografiaza si dimensiuni aparent insesizabile. Sunt dificil
de surprins, decalat si catalogat deoarece traverseaza cu mare usurinta
perioade istorice variate, insa odata penetrat insesizabilul, pot fi
descoperite raspunsuri la intrebari seculare.
De ce uitam adesea de unde am plecat? De ce a face bine are conotatie
negativa? De ce âmagarii nu iarta niciodata unuia dintr-ai lor faptul
de a se fi ridicat deasupra medieiâ? (Stefan Zeletin, "Din tara
Geografiile emotionale sunt cartografieri a caror fluctuaÅie istorica
traverseaza multe epoci si multe ierarhii sociale. Ele sunt cei mai
sensibili senzori prin care natura umana incearca sau forteaza o
adaptare in propria-i istorie!
Prelegerea lui Adrian Majuru se doreste o cartografiere emotionala a
Bucurestiului anticipind intr-o masura tema BUCHAREST BIENNALE 3 de
anul viitor: "Fiind aici. Topografia contemporaneitatii" curatoriata de
Jan-Erik Lundstrom si Johan Sjostrom.
Adrian Majuru (n.1968, BucureÅti) coordoneazÄ Muzeul de artÄ popularÄ
dr.Nicolae Minovici Åi este unul dintre iniÅiatorii ÃnfiinÅÄrii
Muzeului de antropologie urbanÄ. Este autorul mai multor cÄrÅi Ãntre
care amintim selectiv: BucureÅtii mahalalelor sau periferia ca mod de
existenÅÄ (Compania 2003) si CopilÄria la romÃni (Compania, 2006).Â
Lecture by Adrian Majuru
Wednesday, November 21, 2007, 18.30 h.
National Center for Dance, Bucharest
Bd. Nicolae Balcescu, nr. 2
(TNB, 4th Floor, Ronda Hall)
History also maps apparently imperceptibleÂdimensions. These are
difficultÂtoÂdetect, deviateÂand calatogue,Âsince they easily traverse
different historical periods, however, once they have penetrated the
imperceptible, answers to secular questionsÂmay be unveiled. How come
we often forget where we startedÂfrom?ÂHowÂcomeÂdoing good hasÂa
negativeÂconnotation?ÂHow comeÂ"the asses never forigive one of their
kindÂfor having risen above media"?ÂÂ(Stefan Zeletin, "From the land of
asses"). The emotional geographies are cartogaphies, whose historical
fluctuation traversesÂmany epochs and social hierarchies. They are the
most sensitive sensors, through which natureÂstrives forÂor forces an
adaptation inÂa history of its own!
TheÂlectureÂof Adrian Majuru deals with an emotional cartography of
Bucharest, which in a way anticipates the theme of next year's
BUCHAREST BIENNALE 3: "Being here. Mapping the Contemporary" curated by
Jan-Erik Lundstrom si Johan Sjostrom.
Adrian Majuru (born 1968, Bucharest) coordinatesÂFolk Art Museum "Dr.
Nicolae Minovici" and isÂone of theÂinitiators behind the founding of
the Museum of Urban Anthropology. He is the authorÂof several
publications, such as Bucharest of the outskirts or the periphery asÂ
a mode of existence (Compania 2003)ÂandÂChildhoodÂaccording to
romaniansÂ(Compania, 2006).
Finantat de/Supported by:Â
PAVILION | art & culture magazine
Centrul National al Dansului Bucuresti
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