| f | | | | 3 on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 12:55:53 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [Nettime-ro] limbajul pe nettime-ro

> el stiute) ,personaj cu care am avut si eu personal "o polemica" la  
> un moment
> dat,DIN ACELEASI MOTIVE,dar am sfarsit "prieteni" in sensul  
> civilizat al
> cuvantului,semn ca omul mai are inca o farama de bun simt pe care  
> contez si de
> aceasta data.
> toate cele bune,
> NadiRa

Depinde ce consideri polemica. De multe ori acest remarcabil 'bun  
simt' se scrie bun simt dar se pronunta Coruptie,
ceea ce nu reprezinta o problema la nivel personal, dar la nivel  
disciplinar este o problema de care defapt va plingeti.

Din punctul de vedere al politicienilor si al oamenilor 'obisnuiti'  
perjovschi are lipsa de bun simt.

Perjovschi si 'alti' artisti se pling de coruptia politicienilor dar  
se comporta identic.
El recomanda cenzura, precum politicienii de care se plinge.
Dana Catona, fiind o prietena ... lantul slabiciunilor -> coruptie.

Perjovschi se plinge ca bugetul icr a fost taiat de 'hoti', oameni  
'corupti etc,
dar nu se uita la 'big picture' - romania/eastern europe is bankrupt.

Perjovschi, precum multi alti 'artisti', este un salariat, nu artist.  
This is not insult - it's a fact.
An artist doesn't need the state. S/he serves Art.

Bunul simt takes first place on a personal level. That isn't what  
this 'discussions' list is.
Not when one is bombarded non-stop with reklame from salariati who  
could care less
whom they reach.

It is highly comical that one is insulted by 'polemics'  and not by  
the non-stop mindless reklame,
when non-stop mindless reklame constitute the ultimate invalidation  
of one's humanity.
It is an inverse censorship.

It is incredibly ironic that having tasted communism, and apparently  
opposing the communist censorship,
you fully embrace the capitalist forms of censorship. And sometimes  
not only embrace, but support and recommend,
as in the case of perjovschi and catona.

Some of you are of the impression that western democracy is superior  
- less polemics, more non-stop 'civilized' reklame,
ie. less personal interaction (which at times is offensive), more  
impersonal robotics, and dehumanization.

You should not be concerned by someone disagreeing or even insulting  
you - both still constitute a recognition of your humanity.
You should be concerned by the faceless, sanitary non-stop reklame,  
censorship and reverse censorship that has been
adopted by this 'discussion' list and romanian democracy as a whole,  
which is yet an improved permutation of communism
and the dehumanization that it entails.

In his work perjovschi agrees with this. In his life, however,  he is  
one of the perpetrators, much as the politicians he deplores.
He will be an artist when his work and his life lose their individual  
borders and become one.

In the interim he can follow the politicians and cut his budget.

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