Cosmina Goagea on Sun, 27 Nov 2011 18:01:36 +0100 (CET) |
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[Nettime-ro] lansare urban report vol3 | #3 for english version please scroll down click & download ÂPIONIERII PRACTICILOR EMERGENTE Ultimul proiect marca Zeppelin se va lansa Èn curÃnd la Budapesta. este un proiect de cercetare dedicat celor mai recente evoluÅii urbanistice, sociale Èi arhitecturale Èn 4 ÅÄri: RomÃnia, Bulgaria, Ungaria Èi Serbia. Urban #3 (Pionierii practicilor emergente) e acum on line, se poate citi Èi descÄrca in format pdf de pe Cei care doresc sÄ primeascÄ gratuit publicaÅia printatÄ, sunt rugaÅi sÄ scrie la [email protected]. Cum neâam lÄmurit Ãntre timp cÄ tranziÅie nu existÄ Èi cÄ aceastÄ parte de EuropÄ nu va fi probabil comparabilÄ cu cea vesticÄ niciodatÄ, vÄ invitÄm la acest al treilea volum al aventurii numite Urban Report, dedicat pionierilor unor practici arhitecturale desprinse din aceste vremuri Èi locuri. Pionieri Ãntr-ale unor practici care sunt necertificate Èi nebrevetate. TotuÈi, ceva eroic Èi frumos, plin de demnitate se aratÄ de fiecare datÄ cÃnd un astfel de proiect reuÈeÈte sÄ transforme lumea din jur. Sunt proiecte mici, temporare, fragile, dar multiplicarea lor Èi energia pe care o degajÄ construiesc speranÅa cÄ ceva se schimbÄ Ãn bine. Da, este un numÄr dedicat unor idei rebele, unor oameni care nu au Ãncotro Èi trebuie sÄ fie exploratori, inovatori, pionieri Ãn necunoscut.  Lansarea va avea loc vineri 2 decembrie, orele 18.00-20.00, la Muzeul de ArtÄ ContemporanÄ Ludwig, Budapesta. Vor participa Stefan Ghenciulescu, Cosmina Goagea, Constantin Goagea, Szemerey Samu, PÃterffy MiklÃs (din cadrul echipei Urban Report) si VÃgi JÃnos, Zsuffa Zsolt, LigetvÃri IstvÃn (colaboratori). Tema activarii urbane va fi subiectul unei dezbateri moderate; se va face in continuare o paralela cu idei similare asa cum apar ele in expozitia Yona Friedman - âArchitecture without buildingâ (deschisa la muzeul Ludwig pana pe 8 ianuarie 2012). Acest proiect este finanÅat de: Institutul Cultural Roman prin programul Cantemir Ordinul ArhitecÅilor din RomÃnia din timbrul arhitecturii AdministraÅia Fondului Cultural NaÅional  engl #3 click & download THE PIONEERS OF THE EMERGENT PRACTICES The most recent Zeppelin project is going to be launched at Budapest. is a research project dedicated to the newest urban, social and architectural evolutions in four countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Serbia.  Urban #3 (The Pioneers of the Emergent Practices) is now on-line, and can be read and downloaded from As we have realized by now that there is no such thing as a transition, and that this side of Europe probably will never compared with its Western counterpart, we warmly invite you to read the third volume of urban report adventure, dedicated to pioneers of architectural practice coming up in this area and time. They are pioneers of clearly unaccredited and unacknowledged practice. However, a certain heroic and beautiful, rather solemn touch shows up each time when such a project manages to change the world around. There are small, temporary, fragile projects, but their multiplication and the energy they spread already build on a hope that something changes for the better. It is, indeed, a volume devoted to bold ideas, to people with no other choice and who need to act like explorers, inovators, pioneers into nowhere.  The launching event will take place at Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, on December 2nd, from 6 pm to 8 pm. At the presentation will participate: Stefan Ghenciulescu, Cosmina Goagea, Constantin Goagea, Szemerey Samu, PÃterffy MiklÃs (from the project team) and VÃgi JÃnos, Zsuffa Zsolt, LigetvÃri IstvÃn (collaborators). A modereted debate will follow, on the theme of urban activation; a parralel with similar ideas as presented into Yona Friedman - âArchitecture without buildingâ exhibition will be further developped.â Read us on-line and download from our address the pdf version of this third study.  The project is financed by: Romanian Cultural Institute through the programme Cantemir Chamber of Romanian Architects under the architecture revenue stamp The Administration of National Cultural Fund _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list [email protected] --> arhiva: