stefan rusu on Mon, 28 Nov 2011 13:41:48 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] 2 Decembrie_prezentare de Liliana Basarab_Centrul KSAK, Chisinau

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Va invitam Vineri - 2 Decembrie, (ora 18.00) la Centrul KSAK la o
prezentare de Liliana Basarab.

Oglinda oglinjoara, cine e cea mai colaborativa din tot raionul?

Ideea de interactiune umana m-a urmarit din totdeauna iar ca artista o
folosesc ca un mod de operare in multe dintre lucrarile mele. Incep de
obicei prin a coopta un numar mare de participanti, numar ce va scadea
gradual in conformitate cu procesul de selectie bazat pe 'vot democratic'.
La final va fi un ‘castigator’ si mai multi ‘invinsi’.

Generozitatea, premisa a proiectului, conform careia fiecare poate fi un
potential invingator, isi va arata coltii imediat si va favoriza doar unul!
Multa energie, timp si motivatie sunt de obicei necesare pentru realizarea
proiectelor participative si de multe ori artistii implicati sunt vazuti ca
'invadatori' care se prezinta drept moralisti ai societatii. Incerc in
practica mea sa ma feresc in a calca pe cai batatorite si lucrez impreuna
cu publicul pentru a demasca efecte modurilor de operare a societatii
noastre contemporane.

Unde e puterea pe care artistii si-o doresc? Mai exista inca putere? Ce fel
de putere/independenta si-ar putea ei dori? Care sunt mecanismele din
spatele realizarii unui proiect? Si care sunt etapele negocierii care
conduc spre produsul final? Acestea sunt intrebarile pe care mi le adresez
si care continua sa-mi scrutinizeze munca.

Permanenta reciclare a simbolurilor a avut intotdeauna un rol catalizator
in munca mea si m-a facut sa incerc sa caut modalitati de traducere a unor
concepte abstracte intr-un limbaj vizual; aceste concepte se schimba dar
totusi raman mai mult sau mai putin aceleasi. Asadar lucrarile mele de
desfasoara pe timp indelungat si sunt rezultatul unei multitudini de
straturi ce apartin diferitelor etape  din procesul artistic.

(Liliana Basarab)

Liliana BASARAB (nascuta in 1979) este artist vizual, traieste si lucreaza
in Iasi. In 2011 a participat la programul de rezidenta CEC ArtsLink
gazduit de Dayton Visual Art Center in parteneriat cu Ohio Art Council.

Detalii referitor la actovitatea artistei:

Va asteptam pe adresa:

[ksa:k] - Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana, Chisinau

str. Banulescu Bodoni 5, Ap-2,

cod postal 2009, Chisinau,

Republica Moldova

tel/fax. + 373 22 237272

Stefan Rusu

Director de Proiecte/Programe - [ksa:k] Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana,



Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau – KSAK invites you on Friday – 2nd of
December, (18.00) for a Lecture by Liliana Basarab

Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most collaborative from the whole

The idea of human interaction has always been on my mind and as an artist I
use it as an operational technique in many of my works. I usually start out
by involving a wider number of participants, who will gradually narrow down
according to a process of selection based on ‘democratic vote’. In the end,
there will be a ‘winner’ and some ‘losers’…

The generosity, which was the premise of the project, whereby anyone could
have been a potential winner, will soon show its teeth and favor only one!
A lot of energy, time and motivation are usually invested in the
community-based projects and many times the artists involved are seen as
‘invaders’, trying to impose their view or regard themselves as educators.
I try in my practice to step aside the ‘walked paths’ of the community
based art and work along with the participants in order to unmask the
effects of the operational ways within nowadays society. It also has the
opposite effect, that of re-installing some of the clichés we use on a
daily basis.

Where is the power that an artist can wish for? Is there any power left?
What kind of power/independence can she/he wish for? Which are the building
mechanisms of an art project? And what are the stages of negotiation
leading toward the final outcome? These are the questions I usually
encounter myself with and continue to scrutinize my practice.

The permanent recycling of symbols has always played a paramount role in my
work and made me attempt and search for ways of translating abstract
concepts into a visual language; those concepts are changing and yet are
being more or less the same. Therefore my works become these slow and long,
process based projects. They are the outcome of a multitude of layers
between different stages within the artistic process.

(Liliana Basarab)

Liliana BASARAB (born 1979) visual artist, lives and works in Iasi. In 2011
she was part of the residency project funded by CEC ArtsLink and Ohio Art
Council and hosted by Dayton Visual Art Center.

More details about her activity:


[KSA:K] - Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau:

Banulescu Bodoni 5 str. Ap-2,

post code 2009, Chisinau,

Republica Moldova

tel/fax. + 373 22 237272

Stefan Rusu

Projects&Programs Manager- [ksa:k] - Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau

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