BERSZAN ZSOLT on Wed, 30 May 2012 08:44:42 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] BAZIS Contemporary Art Space Mat Collishaw - Shakin’ Jesus

*Mat Collishaw - **Shakinâ** Jesus*

*BÃZIS* â contemporary art space and *White Project Pescara*

opening: *1 June** , 2012, h: 19.00*
address: Fabrica de Pensule, 59-61 Henri Barbusse st., 1st floor,
Matthew "Mat" Collishaw (1966, Nottingham, UK) is an artist based in
London, one of the so-called Young British Artists, thus most exhibited
together with Damien Hirst, Gary Hume, Douglas Gordon and Sarah Lucas. His
work uses photography and video, included also in revolutionary exhibition,
âSensationâ at the Royal Academy of Art in 1997.

Mat Collishawâs video art-work âShakinâ Jesusâ has a straight focus on the
fragility of human condition: Christ has completely abandoned the idea of
hope, abandoned himself to the terrors of death, of suffering as a total
and final feeling; he trembles, moans, his destiny is complete loneliness.
The real challenge for the British artist resides in finding a visual
language bearing the authenticity norms, in his artistic approach of
re-enacting the crucifixion. Collishaw goes even further, engaging the
viewerâs mindset in a cognitive dissonant act, because the artist propounds
a pathetic image of Jesus, a classic sanctuary image in contrast with a
profound realistic sky image. This engenders a special connection, the one
between the Suffering Christ and the witnessing sky. The vide art-work of
the artist appeals to the west christian classic art masters
representations, but at same time it aims for an authentic language of
crucifixion: it introduces, through the means of the video-projection, the
time and spams of the body as a vital aspect of this symbolic scene.
Renato Bianchini

âfor further details, please contact us: [email protected]

BÃZIS â contemporary art space Èi White Project Pescara

Matthew "Mat" Collishaw (1966, Nottingham, UK) trÄieÈte la Londra, este
unul dintre aÈa-numiÈii Young British Artists, ca atare a expus mult
alÄturi de Damien Hirst, Gary Hume, Douglas Gordon and Sarah Lucas. Este
centrat pe fotografie Èi video, incluse Ãn expoziÈia reformatoare numitÄ
âSensationâ, de la Royal Academy of Art din 1997.

Lucrarea video âShakin` Jesusâ a artistului Mat Collishaw este centratÄ pe
fragilitatea existenÈei omeneÈti: Hristos este ÃnfrÃnt, fÄrÄ speranÈÄ, e
Ãnvins de teroarea morÈii, de suferinÈe fÄrÄ scÄpare; tremurÄ, geme, soarta
lui este singurÄtatea totalÄ. Cea mai importantÄ provocare pentru artistul
britanic este gÄsirea unui limbaj vizual autentic pentru reconstituirea
crucificÄrii. Collishaw expune o imagine emoÈionantÄ a lui Isus, o picturÄ
clasicÄ de altar, care este contrastatÄ de o imagine realistÄ a cerului. Se
formeazÄ o conexiune specialÄ Ãntre Hristos Cel Suferind Èi cerul martor.
Lucrarea video a artistului invocÄ reprezentÄrile maeÈtrilor clasici din
arta creÈtinÄ apuseanÄ, totodatÄ ÃncearcÄ o exprimare cÃt mai autenticÄ a
rÄstignirii: introduce prin video-proiecÈie timpul Èi convulsiile corpului
ca un aspect vital al acestei scene simbolice.
Renato Bianchini

âpentru informaÈii suplimentare, contactaÈi-ne: [email protected]

BÃZIS â kortÃrs kÃpzÅmÅvÃszeti kiÃllÃtÃtÃr Ãs White Project Pescara

Matthew âMatâ Collishaw (1966, Nottingham, Nagy-Britannia) Londonban Ãl, a
Young British Artists (Fiatal britt kÃpzÅmÅvÃszek) csoport tagja, tÃbbszÃr
kiÃllÃtott Damien Hirst, Gary Hume, Douglas Gordon Ãs Sarah Lucas
tÃrsasÃgÃban. A Royal Academy of Art kiÃllÃtÃtermeiben 1997-ben
megrendezett Sensation cÃmÅ, nagyszabÃsÃ, ÃjÃtà jellegÅ kiÃllÃtÃson fotÃ-
Ãs videÃmunkÃkkal vett rÃszt.

Mat Collishaw RemegÅ JÃzus cÃmÅ videÃmunkÃja az emberi lÃt tÃrÃkenysÃgÃre
fÃkuszÃl: Krisztus remÃnytelenÃl kiszolgÃltatott, legyÅzte a halÃl
terrorja, a kiÃt nÃlkÃli szenvedÃs, reszket, nyÃszÃrÃg, sorsa a teljes
elhagyatottsÃg. Mindennek hiteles kÃpi megfogalmazÃsa a legfontosabb
kihÃvÃs a brit mÅvÃsz szÃmÃra. Collishaw egyrÃszt patetikus krisztuskÃpet
ÃpÃt fel, egy klasszikus oltÃrkÃpet, amit mÃsrÃszrÅl realisztikus Ãgbolttal
bÅvÃt. KÃlÃnleges kapcsolat jÃn lÃtre a reszketÅ JÃzus Ãs a figyelÅ Ãgbolt
kÃzÃtt. Matt Collishaw videÃmunkÃja a mÅvÃszettÃrtÃnet nagy mestereinek
Krisztus ÃbrÃzolÃsait idÃzi meg, ugyanakkor igyekszik a halÃlszenvedÃst mÃg
hitelesebb mÃdon megfogalmazni: a projekcià rÃvÃn az idÅt, a test gÃrcsÃs
rÃndulÃsait is szerves mÃdon ÃpÃti be az ikonikus szcÃnÃba.
Renato Bianchini

â tovÃbbi informÃciÃkÃrt Ãrjanak a kÃvetkezÅ email cÃmre:
[email protected] ;





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